best OGKB in seed form

Is sour patch bank trust worthy nobody will reply on the sour patch thread..they seem to have everything in stock n that's suspicious u can also fill up your cart to 1000 packs and it won't deny u which seems shady so he can still pull the ol we out of that pick something else routine if you were to get more than what's in stock if its even in stock only few of their selections show an actual stock count
dunno whats happening over at sourpatch, have never ordered from them, bit weird being able to add 1000 packs? im not sure how that site operates, maybe wait for a few well known people to order & see their responses?
I haven't ordered from sourpatch, yet-bay exclusives has specific drops just for sourpatch though, and Bay Exclusives is def legit, so....

there's definitely some bad blood between sourpatch and greenline-I've rad some shit they've written on Instagram about each other-maybe they're both tools, I have no idea. haha.

seed vault of CA
both carry cult classics @hockeybry2
hows dem cement shoes going there bro?

pretty sexy man; wil throw an update pic up in a week er so.
both are nice and bulky and squat; and they still show zero signs of flower. some sativa definitely came through; i took cuts of both in the hopes i have a winner. I mean shit; the confirmed animal cookie & OGKB cut combined gotta bring some heat *hopes*
have some grasshoppers fucking my garden up; and they attack the cement shoes alot less than the gage green mendobreath cross; and franchise strawberry spiderbite.... ordered some praying mantis; but i should have been prepared with them from the start .... was not this bad last year.
pretty sexy man; wil throw an update pic up in a week er so.
both are nice and bulky and squat; and they still show zero signs of flower. some sativa definitely came through; i took cuts of both in the hopes i have a winner. I mean shit; the confirmed animal cookie & OGKB cut combined gotta bring some heat *hopes*
have some grasshoppers fucking my garden up; and they attack the cement shoes alot less than the gage green mendobreath cross; and franchise strawberry spiderbite.... ordered some praying mantis; but i should have been prepared with them from the start .... was not this bad last year.
looking forward to those pic updates, yeah those grasshoppers can do massive damage real quick...some years ago i noticed 1 large grasshopper on my outdoors 6' plant that was just starting to bud, i though what could just 1 grasshopper do as far as damage to my large girl so i left it alone, well i went back to that plant about 2hrs later & noticed that damned insect had just finished eating a clean ring of bark around the base of the stem!!! the little shit had fully ringbarked my plant...& sure enough it died, at least 1 pound of buds gone, so now no mercy for any grasshoppers or anything resembling them now...scorched earth policy wid dem fuckers now!
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Cult Classics gifted me a bunch of their OGKB crosses but I only ran the TK x OGKB x Wet Dream and will be flowering two different Purple Goji x OGKB x Wet Dream soon. Animas Valley (TK) was insanely sticky and had knock out potency. I'll have to dip into the tony clifton's soon as I hear they are almost sold out for good. I never really found any mutant OGKB dom pheno's that everyone goes banana's over but you should be equally happy with a 50/50 cross that doesnt inherit all the shitty traits of OGKB like its ridiculously slow growth. Been pretty pleased with everything from CC, even their first releases with the alien og x blue lotus (aka R6) male were all very tasty with super unique smells.
Cult Classics gifted me a bunch of their OGKB crosses but I only ran the TK x OGKB x Wet Dream and will be flowering two different Purple Goji x OGKB x Wet Dream soon. Animas Valley (TK) was insanely sticky and had knock out potency. I'll have to dip into the tony clifton's soon as I hear they are almost sold out for good. I never really found any mutant OGKB dom pheno's that everyone goes banana's over but you should be equally happy with a 50/50 cross that doesnt inherit all the shitty traits of OGKB like its ridiculously slow growth. Been pretty pleased with everything from CC, even their first releases with the alien og x blue lotus (aka R6) male were all very tasty with super unique smells.
thanks for that info, its hard to find data on CC's gear, they have a large range of strains on offer but no real info on those strains, hope they start a website with details of each strain for their potential customers
Cc as in Cali connection? Plenty of reviews 99% are bad

Lol we're talking about cult classics seeds not Cali connection. Only info is on their Instagram.

Their ogkb is the same cut from norcalicmag, who is the same source of Gage greens cut.

The male is ogkb X (blue dream X Williams wonder). Its put out a solid handful of winners already from testers. Look up @cultclassics or #cultclassicsseeds on Instagram for eye candy
Cult Classics gifted me a bunch of their OGKB crosses but I only ran the TK x OGKB x Wet Dream and will be flowering two different Purple Goji x OGKB x Wet Dream soon. Animas Valley (TK) was insanely sticky and had knock out potency. I'll have to dip into the tony clifton's soon as I hear they are almost sold out for good. I never really found any mutant OGKB dom pheno's that everyone goes banana's over but you should be equally happy with a 50/50 cross that doesnt inherit all the shitty traits of OGKB like its ridiculously slow growth. Been pretty pleased with everything from CC, even their first releases with the alien og x blue lotus (aka R6) male were all very tasty with super unique smells.
Did you get these at last years chalice festival or hightimes?
mendo breath from gage green all day long. mendo montage x ogkb. I just got a cut of it from a friend. He has it in flower. I picked up some mendo breath ice wax at chalice from the gage green booth. It's probably the best hash I've ever had. Tastes so good and kicks my ass.


gage green also lowered thier price on mendo breath. it was $250 a back in feb. Now it's a $100 a pack. . My buddy was kind of bummed because he paid $250 for his mendo breath at the hight times cup in feb.

You can't go wrong with gage green. I've never heard one negative thing about them and every strain they have is fire.
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