Best Online Organic Seed Company?


Active Member
Im looking for what your favorite one is...or the one you have used and had good experiences with...theres so many out there that all look pretty good. Which has the best site interface, fastest shipping, good heirloom selection, largest variety, price, germination rate, etc, etc...

I was looking for the best tomatoes, italian herbs, various veggies, etc.

Some sites ive looked through are:
Seeds of Change
Sustainable Seed Co
High Mowing Seeds
Burpee Organic Seeds

Anyone buy from these sites or have any others to add? I tend to lean toward the more polished, professional looking sites...i dunno if thats good or bad.

Thanks for looking, any input would be appreciated.


Active Member
No one uses online seed catalogs?

Theres gotta be someone out there who can recommend one, i'd hate to roll the dice on this matter.


Best Online Organic Seed Company provides earth-friendly seeds and supplies for Midwest gardeners. it focus on organic seeds in packets as well as kits and collections for gardeners of every age and skill level.
I recommend everyone to log on to for exploring further details.
As far as my knowledge is concerned, produce that is grown has such better taste than that bought at the grocery store as well as unsurpassed nutrition. This is because to grow food not only saves money but also enables people to eat better, and be healthier. To grow food, following are the requirements: pots with soil or a garden area, garden tools, such as rake, hoe, rototiller, watering can, vegetable seeds, fruit trees and fertilizer.

jimmy jones

Active Member
I started ordering from baker creek a few years ago and haven't looked elsewhere since. Huge selection, great prices. Love em.