Best option to make these grow even faster and larger?

I'm not high, YET! LOL

Edited to add:
Thanks for the reminder. I am now.
I take tincture as soon as I get up and about every 4-6 hours or else I can't even move. Then at night I'll smoke once I've got all my important stuff done. The tincture leaves me functional but really helps with severe pain. Combined with smoking though it's an ass kicker.
Better space, better lights, better medium, better nutes, etc etc.
Why does it look like it's in a fort I build when I was 8
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If this is a really low cost grow and better soil isn't an option you could use things like straw, leaf compost, grasses, etc mixed in with the dirt to help soften it up. If things succeed, don't toss the dirt keep working it. It will get better.

Be very careful how much FoxFarm you add. It will hurt more than help. Use 1/4 or less what the directions are calling for. Working your way out of a nutrient lockout or salt build up is going to be hard in that dirt.