Best &/or Worst Propane CO2 Burners on the market?


So i am considering buying a Propane burning CO2 generator.

From peoples past experiences, both good and bad, which are the good manufacturers and which are the bad ones:?:

I am most concerned with safety/reliability.

I am not really asking for advise on which exact model to purchase, as i assume the entry level unit from most manufactures will cover my 10x15' space. Just wanting to know which company has a good or bad reputation.


Well-Known Member
Only advice I have is: it is cheaper to buy an on demand water heater, than buy an on demand water heater repackaged as a CO2 burner.


Well-Known Member
My point was hydrofarm as well as others are using on demand water heaters and repackaging them as CO2 burners, with a horticulture price tag. They are safe and reliable, if they weren't you wouldn't find them in Home Depot or your local hydro shop. Was just giving you a heads up that you will save money buying the exact same product packaged as an on demand water heater.

Best of luck


OK, as i am unfamiliar with these units, and am looking for recommendations about which companies make good stuff and which companies make junk... do you have any recommendations about brand?

I was assuming i have to "do" something to an on demand hot water heater, to get it to serve my function. IE: I can not just plug it into a wall socket can I? I need to have it mounted and hardwired into the wiring of the house right?

What about the fact there is no water coming into the unit? Surely these things are built to detect no water and shut themselves off?

If what you are saying is straight forward and simple, then i'll go with it... but i am sensing i am going to call an electrician to wire it in (who will ask me why it is in the middle of house, miles from any bathroom), as i am not very handy with these types of things.