best organic DIY tea/ flower supplement


Active Member
Hey guys,

I have a subs supersoil grow going and was just wondering if there's anything you guys like to do to supplement the flowering. Particularly looking for anything that adds to density and fruity flavor. I am trying to avoid doing the whole airstone and pump system if I can. I happened to notice I have some Bud Candy, but it says its for hydro and I noticed the main ingredient is just Mg? Would this be a bad idea to supplement when I'm also using cal-n-mag?



Well-Known Member
It doesnt get much better than, AACT. You can make banana tea...take a banana, eat it. Boil the skin and let cool, water with in. I have also added dandelion and chamomile.


Active Member
With Supersoil you wanna use some type of carb a few times throughout the bloom cycle. This will feed the microbes keeping them happy and productive in your soil; you can top dress with SS if you start sunning out of steam too early in bloom.... Other than that it's all about dialing in your ratio of supersoil and base per each genetic.

AACT is always beneficial in live soil gardening. Glacial Rock dust, kelp meal are a couple favs for bloom brews.


Add molasses once a week to the plants, it not only feeds the plants, but the mycorrhizae in the soil. If you do that it really helps the girls out with bud production supposedly. Good growing to you man.


Yes molasses is a standard carbohydrate used in growing I use it my friends use it when doing super soil, it works well. Just make sure to buy it sulfur-free.


Active Member
I was going to buy something like this:

but noticed it only lasts 2-3 weeks refigerated...That would probably be a waste for a small grow like mine....

So I buy most of my stuff from Amazon. Any idea if this molasses is sulfur-free?


Well-Known Member
If you cannot do awsome home brew AACT like nanner444 suggested. I recommend you could at least consider looking into Big Bloom. In conjunction with your molasses sweetener of course.But I,m sure more people with benefit of experience will chime in.good luck.


Active Member
Earth juice makes a great product called HI Brix, but any unsulphered molasses will work. I use it at 1 tsp/gal weeks 4-6 of bloom on 8 weeks strains and in all my brews. Get a 5 gal bucket and some dank tea gear and brew your own!! Skip all the $nake oils out there that only lead to failure.


Active Member
Damn I saw the Hi Brix on amazon for like 15 bucks but i skipped it for the straight molasses. Im a believer in nutrient variety so maybe I'll pick up some of that now that I have a recommendation