best percolating bong for price/qualifying


I'm looking to buy a new bong I have a diamond glass straight style bong it's about a foot tall it has a 7inch stem with the multiple holes along with a ash catcher and it's also it works good, but I'm looking to buy a larger percolating set up, I've been drawn to the honey comb style. Could you guys and girls shoot me some websites or some links for the best set up for my money.
We have a great selection of pieces with honecomb percs, check them out:

This with have a selection of pieces for dry herbs and concentrates! Honey Supply Glass has an amazing selection of pieces for dry herbs that have honeycomb percs!
Smoke cartel strait up and down. Never had any shipping problems. Or broken glass Everywhere when you open the box. More then Exceptional customer service. With all glass though you get what you pay for. Im sure you've gotten the ten dollar gas station bong, that you pay fifty for. just to have a stem or joint break. Also if you got enough pennies saved up check out ILLADELPH pieces. There pricy but they give you a lot of extra shit like grinders, necter collectors, dab setups for BHO, a poster and shirts. But that is if you want to spend some serious coin.
In my HO smoke cartel is the best as far as qaulity and price.
This all depends on the types of drag you want, how often you clean your pieces, etc. Where are you located?
What difference would it make were you live? The bong doesn't change shapes when shipped to different places. Or do you know of a place locally were you live? With good prices. If so let a cracker know.
Yea there's some great places in Miami. You just pay double the price you would if you ordered from Smoke Cartel. And they have brand names. Down here they sell gas station bongs for like 150 bucks.
Im sure im canada they have some bad ass head shops.