Best PH meter.


Well-Known Member
Price is no object. I mean I don't want to spend $1000 or anything but what do you guys recommend. I've gone through 3 of the blue lab ph pens that are like $100 each.
Are you not keeping water in your caps for the pen? The bluelabs have been the best I've ever owned, only time I had a problem was I let the probe dry out. And that was after using it for over 3 years I beleive.
First one lasted me like 6 months. Then the next one was like over a year. Then the third one won't calibrate right now and been almost 2 years.
You make sure to fill the cap with water before you put it back on the pen everytime? Litterly the one time i let it dry out overnight it wouldnt calibrate anymore.
You make sure to fill the cap with water before you put it back on the pen everytime? Litterly the one time i let it dry out overnight it wouldnt calibrate anymore.

Truthfully I'd refill the cap once every few days so it could have definitely dried out. It died in the summer months when it was hot out. Im just thinking a higher end ph tester would be more hardy and require less calibration and maintenance. It seemed like I had to calibrate it every 15-20 days.
Check HANNA INSTRUMENTS - they have great equipment (laboratory grade @ good price) and "after-sale support"

Hee, hee, hee! "blueLab"......The big drug company I worked for would ONLY use HANNA or Oakton Lab grade pH meters! They phased out the Oaktons not long after I worked there..

DON'T get a "Multi Meter" pen style! Get the Hand held, probe on a wire lab grade.....Hang on....

I can not point you to this strongly enough! Life time lasting meter, that has the benefit of a tough ass probe that block's electrical "noise" from ballasts! This is more of a problem then most think!

Best meter for the money for hydroponic growers everywhere!

Hanna gives hands on support and has GREAT guarantee's on their products.

While many may wince at 320 beans! It's worth every penny!
Hee, hee, hee! "blueLab"......The big drug company I worked for would ONLY use HANNA or Oakton Lab grade pH meters! They phased out the Oaktons not long after I worked there..

DON'T get a "Multi Meter" pen style! Get the Hand held, probe on a wire lab grade.....Hang on....

I can not point you to this strongly enough! Life time lasting meter, that has the benefit of a tough ass probe that block's electrical "noise" from ballasts! This is more of a problem then most think!

Best meter for the money for hydroponic growers everywhere!

Hanna gives hands on support and has GREAT guarantee's on their products.

While many may wince at 320 beans! It's worth every penny!

So how often does this meter need to be calibrated? Do you need to store the probe in a solution when not in use?
So how often does this meter need to be calibrated? Do you need to store the probe in a solution when not in use?

Store? No. This is an industrial lab quality meter. It has no fiber liquid "absorber" of what is metered - as far as I know for that model.. Specific soil probes do require moist storage.
Adjust? They'll line that out by your needs and use's. I might venture monthly till you see a pattern of change. May end up less...even to start.
So how often does this meter need to be calibrated? Do you need to store the probe in a solution when not in use?

When you buy it you can buy a STORAGE solution, CLEANING solution (general or anorganic cleaning agent etc), EC and PH calibration solution.

I calibrate it once a month - but I tried before even on weekly basis - it's not needed (by my usage - 30x / week)

Before calibration i clean it with cleaning solution, and always store in storage solution.

Like this i had a PH/EC/TMP probe lasting 3 years that is meant for 6 months....
I got an essentials ph meter, I considered the Hanna but there were a few good reviews on Amazon about it. I didn't calibrate it for ages (you're supposed to on your first use) and I tested the readings against a drop test. Seemed good. I then calibrated it a month later and did a side by side on the same nute mix. Was .1 out. Im going to say it's reliable. I recently ran out of calibration liquid so went back to the drop test and my plants showed me all kinds of deficiencies.. Im gonna say it was a good investment :)
When you buy it you can buy a STORAGE solution, CLEANING solution (general or anorganic cleaning agent etc), EC and PH calibration solution.

I calibrate it once a month - but I tried before even on weekly basis - it's not needed (by my usage - 30x / week)

Before calibration i clean it with cleaning solution, and always store in storage solution.

Like this i had a PH/EC/TMP probe lasting 3 years that is meant for 6 months....

Those solutions may come with that meter! In a nice storage case! Be good to ask them at order time!
I got an essentials ph meter, I considered the Hanna but there were a few good reviews on Amazon about it. I didn't calibrate it for ages (you're supposed to on your first use) and I tested the readings against a drop test. Seemed good. I then calibrated it a month later and did a side by side on the same nute mix. Was .1 out. Im going to say it's reliable. I recently ran out of calibration liquid so went back to the drop test and my plants showed me all kinds of deficiencies.. Im gonna say it was a good investment :)
I've had 2 Essentials pH meters , they were a good job.
I had the Blue Labs combination pH/ec meter until I wrecked the probes lol
I went to buy another essentials meter but ended up with a Plantit pH meter.
Not too keen on it though as it takes ages to give a reading.
The esssentials meter was good as it bleeped when it grabbed the correct pH.
Calibration liquid is a good way of checking them for drifting off.
Slightly off topic but I love the Blue Labs ec truncheon
On the side note - did anyone try to use Hanna refractometers for nutrient solution?
They seem great to analyze the nutrients solution but cost about 1000€ here (plus reagents).