Best ph Up/Down Solution? Are the ones with multiple ingredients (buffers) better?


Well-Known Member
So I was looking at Mad Farmer's Get Up and Get Down for a ph Up/Down solution... I know there's some DIY options but when it comes ot the hassle I think purchase is my route...

So that said, I noticed that Mad Farmer uses like 3 ingredients versus a single ingredient... I'm not sure about the reason but I assume that somehow makes it 'better'... I do also like that they don't add any dyes.... If it doesn't help the plants, don't add it I say!

So what are the better ph adjusting solution brands? Any to particularly avoid?


Well-Known Member
I read elsewhere today that GH I believe it was.. uses 2 ingredients in either their ph Up or Down... Don't recall which it was...

No one have any details on this? Was planning on taking a drive down to the hydro shop that has Mad Farmer locally if it sounds like a 3-part formulation is the way to go...


Well-Known Member
i have used gh for years and got a free sample of mad farmer a couple months ago to try. i just ordered a new gallon of gh last week. not worth the difference.


Well-Known Member
I have to wonder if the dyes are anything worth really sweating or not... From a purity stand-point I get it... but... does it actually have any effect on the end-product whatsover?


Well-Known Member
"Prepare your nutrient solution as usual, at the end, add 5g of citric acid for 500 liters of solution (this will acidify the pH of your solution a lot). Now, take back the pH to the value you want (5.8 to 6.2) by adding potassium carbonate. "

I'm switching to this once I use up some more of the sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide I have now. Save yourself some $ by not paying for off the shelf products. $20 of each will make a couple dozen gallons.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
Ideally you want to use nitric acid for a pH down during veg, and phosphoric acid for pH down during flower.
a good pH up would be potassium hydroxide.

Does it REALLY matter? nope. You won't be able to tell any difference in your finished product. Any commercial pH adjuster is just fine. Dyes make no difference either way.


Well-Known Member
I think I'm going to end up trying the Mad Farmer stuff just for the hell of it... that and I'm trying the sample of MOAB I was given...