Best place to buy seeds in the USA

$65 - $90 for an 1/8 eighth is ridiculous.

Some people are paying $320 for an Oz from

Everything is in perspective of the bigger picture on what people throw money away on that makes them nothing.

What type of seeds do you like?

$10-$30 per seed in 10-12 pack of seeds is normal nowadays.
$100-300 plus, whats the problem here?
From what ive seen and purchased, the majority of seeds are between 60 to 100 for a 10 pack. Above 150 the choices are few and probably not worth it.
I know MSNL ships to the states and the prices are reasonable. Although it's been stated the NL doesnt have the more exotic stuff the guys on the east coast are making these days.

They do still have some good strains at good prices with good deals when you can catch them.
$65 - $90 for an 1/8 eighth is ridiculous.

Some people are paying $320 for an Oz from

Everything is in perspective of the bigger picture on what people throw money away on that makes them nothing.

What type of seeds do you like?

$10-$30 per seed in 10-12 pack of seeds is normal nowadays.
$100-300 plus, whats the problem here?

I've never paid that for seeds and never will. A good portion of the stuff out there if from people just chucking pollen. I make my own seeds. It's not hard. I can make my own crosses. It's not that hard and much of the stuff out there is over hyped to begin with. The entire industry is full of greed and people making false claims. From seeds to bottles of watered down nutrients with fancy labels selling for $25. It's nothing more than a cash grab and there are plenty of people willing to part with their cash. $30 for a seed? That's pure bullshit.
You can Buy online seed in USA by using this site.
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I used and was happy. It is here ACTUALLY in California (not like the fake Canadians) and I did mine on the phone with a debit card. 3 days later I was germinating. Prices were not bad either.