best place to get h2o2 ???


Well-Known Member
i haven't used h2o2 before but i see that many people say to add it to the res for my dwc system.

where is the best place to get it cheap and quick? how much should i add per gallon

thanks in advance~


Well-Known Member
restaurant supply chemical supply or your local hydro shop you want 50% or i think 30 or 35% one of those will do but not 3% from the drugstore


Well-Known Member
i haven't used h2o2 before but i see that many people say to add it to the res for my dwc system.

where is the best place to get it cheap and quick? how much should i add per gallon

thanks in advance~
Mixin.... Instead of using Hydrogen Peroxide (an overused crutch), get some micro-beaties (good bacteria & fungi) in your res. Most hydro stores carry Myco Magic, Plant Sucess, and Sub Culture. On Ebay, BMO sells some called Super Plant Tonic, which also contains lots of trace minerals - I love the stuff. It's all Organic and kicks some serious a*s.
So, get yourself an army of micro-beasties to tiddy up, break down insoluble NPK and kill off any bad bacteria that dare wonder onto their turf. There are several threads in the Organics Forums on the stuff. Check out some of the plants grown with it, all Organically.
Hope this helps....
Keep it Real....Organic.... :weed: