Best place to take bud off inmature plant?


Active Member
Getting low on meds.Whats the best place to take some bud off a 3 week flowing plant? small bottom 1s or the top?


Well-Known Member
I feel your pain. Myself I always looked for a branch of buds that needed to come off, like thin branch or not enough light.


Well-Known Member
CUT THE you can learn a lesson for next time, which is to wait!


Well-Known Member
3 wks into flowering you shouldnt even hardly have buds, let alone ones worth smoking. I feel you pain im in the same boat, you just have to be patient. You cant rush nature.

Sir Psycho Sexy

Well-Known Member
DONT DO IT. once you do it once youll do it more and more once the buds start looking tasty its a huge waste. Go to your friendly neighborhood drug dealer