Ursus marijanus
Well whaddya know. Someone sent me a winning PM. I will not disclose who or what. cn
I will leave it open so that others may read your compelling arguments as to why it should be closed.Authority is their to be abused, what's the point of having power if your not going to use it or abuse it to your advantage?
This thread really has no point or purpose so if it needs to be closed to avoid drama or because it has no merit than closed it should be and remain so.
If it is to remain open, I will try to make it interesting and I'll try to take it in a positive or negative direction and use it to debate or troll as I see the opportunity present itself.
I think portland has 3 and Lewiston had one but it was just a navy guy visiting a freindcheck out maine beardo.. been there idk, half dozen or so times now, and i can't remember ever seeing one black the entire time i was there..
yeah-Messrs. Dagowitz and Citroén called and are furious. cn
I don't know if "leave it open so Beardo's put on more watch lists" is what I would call a winning argument, but so be it.Well whaddya know. Someone sent me a winning PM. I will not disclose who or what. cn
A refreshing attitude. Finsomeone actually wants more watch lists. cnI don't know if "leave it open so Beardo's put on more watch lists" is what I would call a winning argument, but so be it.
It is now dying a natural death, unless someone pulls an epic threadjack out from under a hat. cnyeah-
i thought this would be funnier.
My N word thread was deleted, even tho nobody said the actual word. The rules were you couldn't say if, nobody was saying it, weird how that works.No. Thus beardo's genius. I cannot leave this thread up, and I cannot simply delete it either. (I have the authority but not morally imo.) If you have a great reason for reopening it, PM me. cn