ooohhhoo... there's so many! i guess i can do top three, shrooms at an abandoned concrete plant, was like being in a wasteland, but when we came out about five hrs later, we were in the middle of town..had to be there. then there was me and my good buddy two hits of sweet blotter at a mardi gras parade in hometown NOLA. lastly, my personal fav, 12 hits of blotter (was selling and using frequent), my girl and i were at a friends house with two buddies. her and i went to the back right before the cid kicked in and started having sex, dont know how to put that three hours into words b/c the parts i even existed in are too incredible to explain. after that we came out of the room and sat down with the boys and watched the matrix trilogy. that somehow unspokenly sealed the deal with the wife (now) and i. the matrix was awesome also.