Best pots for planting... and should i prune these plants?


Active Member
Ok so i need to transfer my babies over to a nice big ass pot so i can grow them as tall as i can. I was recommended grow bags by a friend... and he said i should get bags twice the size of a house hold kitchen trashcan.
So what do you guys swear by as the best pots to grow outdoors with?

Then my second question is about pruning. Ive got some bushy ass 2ft tall plants, that have reverted... and they are bushy beyond bushy theres no light getting to leaves on the bottom and towards the main stem... but they look fine. So should i trim the bottom leaves? The medical growers bible says the best thing to do is not to prune at all.

Thanks for your time and help 8)


Active Member
anyone? gonna leave to get the pots sometime today unless grow bags are what i should get.... i was gonna go to anawalt but now im thinking osh might be better, what do u guys think?


Active Member
now that ive read around im thinking ill get some 15 or 20 gallon thick white plastic pots to get them to grow to be like 6.5 ft tall maybe 7 not sure what im gonna do with my height issue yet... but do u guys think plastic pots are the best or would some kinda clay pot be better? im thinking of putting them on little rolling platforms... but i cant find any online im gonna check my hardware/garden stores sometime soon.

So 15 gallons or 20?
Plastic or clay?
And any one know where i can find rolling platforms for em?



Active Member
alright so heres my plan... go to anawalt and get 12 15 or 20 gallon thick white plastic pots... and then im getting these round furniture dollys to put them on and trays to collect the water... and im not sure what i should use to rise the pots up cuz i read they should be like that to keep em out of the little dish tray thingies

so my only question now is should i get 15 gallon pots or 20 gallon pots?


Well-Known Member
My 6' plants go into a 18" across, 12" high...that would be my standard even bigger if no space probs. As for trimming, some say no..I do, always..I like to get those nugs near the stem bigger...I read in FAQ about a gragual spiral trim...starting at bottom...Do 1..leave 1, experiment...


Well-Known Member
If your saying you have rootbound plants in a 5 gallon container. then shit.

Get yourself a Trash can.

The biggest size of growbags they make is 6 gallon..


Active Member
my friend said they make big ass grow bags... im probably gonna go get the pots before the 22nd... ive decided on 20 gallons thanks for the help guys


Well-Known Member
I stand corrected a quick google search and I found 9 gallons..

Wow didnt think they make em that big, would think they wouldnt hold up too well at that size.?