~Best quick and cheap Hydro set-up


Well-Known Member
the nutes are the only expensive part ! tupperware and air pumps are cheap! what you need is to start a thread about cheap hydro nutes the nute companies rip people off so bad thats why i dont like hydro ! i spent 6 bux on ferts for my whole grow in soil and i got some killer nugs! you need a few hundred bucks to really get a full set of hydro nutes ! i am currently trying to make "replacements" for the FOX FARMS LINE OF NUTES! it is hard to get full disclosure of ingredients from them but i have found other people that are helping me on another site ! think about it a farmer might spend $100-300 bucks per acre in ferts to grow veggies/flowers. i could spend twice that in a 4x4 foot grow room ! i know the big companies do their homework on the science end of things so if i can re-create their formulas cheaper i will rock tons of hydro setups! they are robbing people and nobody seems to mind??? 50 bucks for a quart of seaweed and bat shit is crazy !


Well-Known Member
I currently am using my home made grow box from plywood purchased at home depot... running inexpensive CFL's.. DIY hood out of tin roasting pan... walmart air pump/airstone and 4 gallon rubbermaid container for my res. i did go to my local hydro store for my hydrotron nutes and rockwool but it was still only a few bucks...in total i think i was able to have my complete set-up going with only 100-150 bucks... very inexpensive and since i have it all properly set-up now it is all seeming to work well...