Best RH Control for Seedlings- Whats Your Favorite Method????


Active Member
I want to know how other growers prefer to control the RH for their seedlings (without buying a dome or device) I want to use something I have laying around. (water bottle, zip lock baggie)

I'm starting a new grow from seed and plan on using the water bottle method to cover the seeds for RH control (didn't monitor RH last grow) then poke/cut holes each day until they are hardened off.

1. Is this really the best method to use considering the cost? (pretty much free)

2. How many days do I leave the bottle fully closed before I start poking/cutting holes in it? And how long after that does it take to fully harden?


Active Member
lol... surprised you havnt seen it done since its like.. EVERYWHERE.. but ive also never used this method before.. but after having a few seed issues figured it might be bc my humidity is so low


Well-Known Member
No need for a dome with seedlings. They're used on cuttings to stop water loss from leaves when they have no roots.


Well-Known Member
soak seeds > plants seeds > water.
it should be that simple not all that extra stuff lol i've never seen this method before


Well-Known Member
As above, really it's a clone thing. TBH, Iv had more issues using a dome as you can get too humid and causes a mold or fungus that kills seedlings,