Best rolling papers?

I called the cigarette store up the street. They carry raw out of the three so I'm going to run up there and pick up a pack of the organic. I got some coming from the bay as well. I guess If I don't like them ill hand them out with nugs to my bro.

wassup bro?? :D
I picked up a pack of both kinds the raw, rolled a j of lemon og and one of skywalker. Big improvement over zig zag altho left a tinge of a sore throat.
I'm stuck on Raw ...they're great but i always have a problem with them sticking on one end. Pure Hemp papers are excellent, Elements also. If i'm in a pinch ... zig zags or jokers. I use as little paper possible rolling my Js ... and they are by far MY FAVorite way to smoke.
Raws have been treating me good. Been smoking a few js a day before switching over to utensils. Rizla haven't arrived yet so no report on those.
In order.. Raw King Slims (brown natural papers), OCB Blacks, Rizla Micron, Maria's. ...and thats all the papers I'll only ever use...oH! :) and I always back-flip 'em - ZTELTHY :leaf:
Keep it RAW!

Has anyone ever tried or heard of Red Tape? They were some clear rolling pappers I was given at Burning Man in 2008. Have never come across them again but as far as clear ones go I actually liked them a lot and still have a few kickin' around.
I am a big time joint smoker, mostly because that is how the wife prefers it. I have probably tried almost all papers out there but I always seem to come back to the Zig Zag ultra thin 1.5 blue. I trim em down so only one rap, but I do roll obnoxously fat joints. Never taste paper and very rarely do i have any runs, only when I let the smokables get to dry.