Best screen for scrog?

Mr John

Active Member
Hey all!

Thinking about taking a step and going to scrog this next batch of ladies I started. The grow area is in my secret jarding d120 tent. Looks like a screen about 2x4 would do right, what do you folks recommend to use as screen material?


Well-Known Member
Twine is good.. Easy to cut the plant out.. Easier to manipulate. Not so rigid. Less likely to cut into stems.

Chiken wire works, easy to setup. Fixed hole size and better for training, harder for the plant to move the wire.. Can cut into stems.. A bit harder to cut the plant out.

I like furring strips, wide enough to put staples on to hold the wire and not too heavy..

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I just used the roll up green plastic mesh and cable tied it to a PVC frame. Worked just fine, hardly cost a thing.

Mr John

Active Member
You folks awesome, thanks for your input. Heck I didn't even think about getting the plants out for harvest!

I like the pvc frame, going to look into what furring strips are. I am thinking the twine or chicken wire.


Well-Known Member
I scrog with this beast.... its nylon surveyors string and 1/2" pvc pipe with some screws in it every ~2".... If you make one make sure you measure to the OUTER diameter of the pvc if fitting to a tent or closet... the screen holes are adjustable for training purposes and synthetic to avoid any mold issues.... this and a 600 watt light got me nearly 400g with 20 days of veg

Mr John

Active Member
I scrog with this beast.... its nylon surveyors string and 1/2" pvc pipe with some screws in it every ~2".... If you make one make sure you measure to the OUTER diameter of the pvc if fitting to a tent or closet... the screen holes are adjustable for training purposes and synthetic to avoid any mold issues.... this and a 600 watt light got me nearly 400g with 20 days of veg

Just what I need, thank you for sharing. Headed to home depot tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
lol, exactly what I use, except i got a neon greenish string (was buy one get one) got a 2x2, a 2x4...... and a 3x3 thats just a bit too big to be useful in my room yet :(


Well-Known Member
hey frozen can you go any closer or is this the best measurement , im thinking of trying this with 1 light of two the side of my main grow. how many plants did you put under it

Mr John

Active Member

My first attempt at a scrog screen. Is it too tall? I figure i need to allow for the stretch and i feel with these strains C99, chocolate fondue
that the height its at now should work. I made it from 3/4 pvc tubing and cheap plastic pet netting, the holes are only 1x1 but as they get near the net i can easily cut the proper size out. It's probably over engineered but i wanted some sturdy in anticipation of huge and plentiful colas.

Here is my other garden growing under my Vipar 600w LED light. They are also c99 and chocolate fondue strains. Will be interesting to see how the LED compares to my Indagrow 420 induction light.


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Mr John

Active Member
PS I left the back net on to keep the ladies orderly, growing in a tent can be a pain when you need to manage the backside of the plants. This way the net will keep them growing up towards the light and not out into the side of the tent.

A few more shots of the DWC/Vipar setup and my E/F IndaGrow 420.


Gone Camping

Active Member
Looks good..

Consider your final pot height and add roughly 8" to your screen level. Keep in mind how your going to manage your runoff, you'll probably want to slip a container under to collect it.

LST and trimming away the undergrowth, you'll need space to work under. I find elevating the pot makes it easier than being so close to the floor, so long as you have the height for it. Being in a taller tent your good to go.

I use twine as well, as said earlier it's easy to cut away at harvest time.

Having experience with this strain you'll have a good idea on how much stretch to figure when screen is full.

Mr John

Active Member
Thanks gone, I also bought twine as a backup incase the plastic net cuts into the trunks or stems. That is my only concern using plastic. I also thought when I cut out the holes to allow the plants through I can use masking tape or something to keep any sharp edges from damaging.

I almost went with the twine but was unsure how to tie it up so it wouldn't slide on the pvc tubes.