best site to order a bong from?

sludge factory

Active Member
okay, so, i was planning on ordering a bong online, but I need some advice as to which site has the best ones.

and i also wanted to know, I plan on having it shipped to a friends house, and I've heard stories of people ordering bongs online and having a sticker put on the box that says "glass pipe."
I don't want my friend seeing the sticker and taking it from me.

Do any sites have good discreet shipping?
And if you shipped it to your house your parents would just take it, sticker or no sticker. No good Head Shops in your area?

sludge factory

Active Member
haha, I actually don't live with parents.

but I don't ship seeds or anything to my house because my grow room's there.

but thanks for the tips everyone
all the sites that have been here are good i liked the ADS selection over at but really your not gunna find any sweet deals or anything as "technical" like you could find in a headshop. Seriously id order a sick piece right now but nothing i see online is cheaper or more appealing than the shit i see at headshops.