Best Sites When Stoned

oddly enough, me getting lifted is what made me start looking at the intricacy of growing a plant myself. as someone on this site aptly put it," smoking pot is not addictive, growing is." truest statement ever! best marijuana magazine ever- naked ladies with gorgeous buds and great grow advice, all magazines free in complete download able pdf form
I very rarely session the internet when I'm stoned. I usually just watch films or TV Shows such as Shameless, Eastenders or Skins.
Dunno if this thread has been started before, feel free to get rid of it if it has.
But when im high i like to surf. Oddly enough i like to learn stuff, learning cool things about science and history and stuff totally blows my mind when my mind is totally blown.

example: Fuck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you like looking at a bunch of pics and not just funny ones. Like trippy ones or things for a crazy wallpaper go to just go to the left side and find the psychedelic shit.