best smoking device?


Well-Known Member
i like water bubblers, or water bongs, anything with water. i'm thinking of getting a vaporizer. what do you think? how do you like to smoke?
I have become a fan of making vape juice. I have a variety of the "not huge" $20 range batteries and so long as they have adjustable wattage, they all work fine. The tanks are nothing special either.

I can partake anywhere with no recognizable odor. Looks exactly the same as when using for nicotine :-)
how do vaporizers compare to water bongs? i've never used one. a friend told me it didn't get him as high, because the hits were weak or something..
well tobias, vaporizers get more of the THC without incinerating most of it, as opposed to combustion. i use a glass wand and heat it til its slightly red, wait 10 seconds, then use it to push around the weed in my bowl, works as well as a vaporizer once you get the hang of how long to heat it. i use a bong though, but saying a bong is vague, i like a nice one hole diffusion if it really chugs, doesnt filter out as much as a honeycomb or a more complex perculator would, however i do like a nice showerhead perc as well. i use this for both flowers and hash, but hitting hash out of a normal glass pipe is also very good.
I can say that if I smoke from nothing but my vape (solo, extreme-q) for a week or so I have a harder time getting high. I usually take a day or two break from the vape and just use a bowl and that seems to set the universe right
I have my little pipe that I like. I call him rusty. He's a little 4 piece metal pipe.

Then there's my bong, Davy Jones. He's a ceramic piece, about 8" tall that looks like a skull with a snake running through it. The mouth piece is the snakes tail, the bowl is in the middle of the forehead, and the carb hole is on the skull's temple. Douchiest thing I've ever seen, but it was cheap and I wanted a bong for some reason. Haven't used him in a while.

I tried making a vaporizer out of a light bulb, but all it did was make me cough. Not sure if I did something wrong or if what because e-cigs do the same thing.
how do vaporizers compare to water bongs? i've never used one. a friend told me it didn't get him as high, because the hits were weak or something..

I route my vape hose into my bong.

You get all those incredible flavors you DON'T get when combusting, it cools the vapors, and filters those small particulates that pass through the vape screen. Granted, it's not as convenient as using either or, but it's worth the effort to me.
my brudder just bought a sublimator. and thats the best ive ever tasted. plus it fucks me
this one hear is for the lonly guy or gal you never know these days!!


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