Me and a buddy hopped the pond and went to visit some friends in New York/ New Jersey. We did a pretty decent job in defending our fine Irish heritage - the two of us beating eight guys at a 3 case case-race, and smoked pretty much all day everyday. Great times were to be had, such as riding El Toro at six flags while feeling mildly hallucinogenic and smoking at this really nice artificial lake in Run DMCs estate ( which was the single strangest place I've ever smoked).
Anyway, we were on the beach one day, nursing our hangovers with some lovely mind material when this guy walks up, pulls a rolly out of his pocket and says, "Hey guys, you gota light?" He was in his mid-late sixties, and looked like an older version of Charlie from Two and a half men - beige trouser shorts, hawaiian shirts, the works. Now we're looking at this guy trying to figure out what the hell is going on when he pulls a zippo from his pocket, flips it around like david blaine or something and then suddenly it's gone.
Behold the lit rolly.
Now this was like we'd hit the universal substance jackpot, and mother nature sent her very own jester to entertain us. We stood there, gobsmacked as this slick geriatric tokes away, and said absolutely nothing. He finishes smoking and says, "Hey guys, thanks for the company. My names Rick Shea, but you can call me Ricochet."
With that, he walks off.
Wherever you are Ricochet, God/Allah/Zeus bless you.