best soil for newbs


Active Member
From what I can see, fox farm ocean forest can only be purchased within the US? What about us in Canada, what soil can we use?


Well-Known Member
I highly recommend mixing your own, however I use Hortibec Organic Potting Soil as my soil base for all my grows. Comes in a red accented bag and can be purchased at Walmart, Home Depot. Etc. I make additions on to that mix (see signature) and I have a self-sustaining mix that requires very little work and provides very good results. The mix is very forgiving on rookie mistakes, makes over feeding and over watering pretty hard to do

KC :leaf:


Active Member
I tried that MG organic stuff it had chunks of wood and shit in it. I think it killed my seeds I should of waited until I bought perlite to mix with it... WHOOPS!


Well-Known Member
You will like the results mate, I promise. Here's my soil recipe in case you're interested, if you don't have access to some of these products message me and I can supply you with some good alternatives

Soil Mix Recipe:
- 20% Organic Potting Soil (also contains, Peat moss, Humus, and trace nutrients)
- 20% Perlite
- 20% Compost Mix (Secret ingredients for now ;))
- 10% Vermiculite
- 10% Bone Meal
- 10% Blood Meal
- 5% Wormcastings
- 5% Guano (mixed to your liking, supplementing based on growth cycle)

Good luck, let me know if you need anything

KC :leaf:


Well-Known Member
if you have enough time and patience to get the things you need to make your own mix i say do it!!!!!!
miracle grow may be cheap but the buds you get from it are light and kash fast. beleive me i know from experience.
Kushcanuck said it best make your own and you have the ability to control the amount of nutrients and thickness of your medium.

Im sure you can get fox farm ocean forrest soil in canada lol i mean you can get marijuana from a vending machine am i wrong?


Well-Known Member
For the most part, yes. About 80% of the ingredients can be found at typical big-box stores like that. The others acan usually be found at garden stores, or if your city is fortunate enough to have one, a hydroponics store will also have these products. is also a solid company based in Toronto that will ship throughout Canada. Happy growing

KC :leaf:


Well-Known Member
what id give to put a 20 in a vending machine hit A4 and get a sack of some OGkush.

FFUCK thats how it should be.
you only live once, why dont people understand that?


Well-Known Member
In an ideal world mate :weed:. I would be 100% leading that movement, in school right now to do just that :blsmoke:

KC :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Just get some good ol miracle grow, works for me everytime, never let me down. Ive seen guys have 20 foot weed plants and it all started with miracle grow, no nutes either. :bigjoint: