best soil for outdoor grow


Well-Known Member
hey Sodalite, your pictures are awesome and you have really really nice of big fan ! good job, sir !

happy growing and peace



Well-Known Member
Soilless mix is the most economical option and is also very effective. Ace Hardware carries Pro-Mix and the ones that don't will order it in for you. They carry both the small 1 cu ft loose bags and the large 3.8 cu ft bales. Be carful with the bales if you plan on carrying them a distance they weight about 60lb! You are going to have to provide nutrients though pretty much from the start though. Last 2 years I've been using Botanicare liquid nutes and FoxFarms time release. I am going to try to rely on the time release stuff even more this year I think. Hauling water just to feed is a major pain in the ass. You can add whatever you want to it really.

sodalite, I remember that raised bed in the picture from 2 seasons ago. Don't recall seeing how it worked out for you in the end I don't think. That was pretty badass I thought man.


Well-Known Member
yes i remember you sonar, i haven't been around since about then. kinda get burned out on the computer, i go through phases on it. i don't have a grow right now so i find myself on here trying to get psyced up. i've gone throughabout a dozen cameras it seems since i last was on and yet i saved no photos. so it's been about three days and i'm sufficiently motivated to do some work this summer. this year i'll try to follow through with journals better, it's just once the ganja starts flowing all else takes second :)