Best soil to use!!!!!

Hi, i'm a new grower and I was trying to figure out the best soil to use, I been hearin about fox farm but I was wonderig if I could use that throught the whole life of my plant?? Does fox farm products really make that much of a difference? I was going to pick up some would from my local plant store. Could I use 1 type of soil throughout the hole plant cycle.. Need advise please help!!'


Well-Known Member
I use Pro Mix myself and add extra perlite to it.
You can use the same soil through out the entire grow.


bud bootlegger
the biggest names out there are obviously fox farms, promix and sunshine mix.. which one you use is really up to you and whatever fits you bill..some people swear by say fox farms while others will say that promix is the best.. i'm sure that most any good soil that you can get that isn't full of time released nutes like miracle grow or scotts, whom i think mg now own, will be fine for your plants..
i also like to cut any soil that i use with about 25% vermiculate or perlite, whichever you can find, for some added aeration and better draining..
alot of people also like to amend their soil with nice organic fertlizers like worm castings, blood and bone meal, seaweed, the list goes on and on.. subcool has an awesome recipe somewhere on here for his own super soil.. its a lil more work to make your own, but than you save money on chemical nutes later on..
and yes, you can use the same soil from seed to weed.. just make sure not to feed and seedling with anykind of chemical ferts for the first two or three weeks of life or you may burn your babies..


Well-Known Member
I use Pro Mix myself and add extra perlite to it.
You can use the same soil through out the entire grow.
I know when I grow my "Mayders" that I dop dress while they are in the pot growing indoors and mound around the stalk when transplanted outside. Would you recommend putting soil around the bare stalk once the plant is growing tall for MJ as well?


bud bootlegger
I know when I grow my "Mayders" that I dop dress while they are in the pot growing indoors and mound around the stalk when transplanted outside. Would you recommend putting soil around the bare stalk once the plant is growing tall for MJ as well?
i didn't really think that there is a need for that, but i don't see any harm in doing so either.. i know that sometimes when a plant stretches, its common for people to replant the stretched plant with dirt all the way up to the first sets of leaves to help support the weak stretched stem, and it always seems to help out a lot..


Well-Known Member
I know when I grow my "Mayders" that I dop dress while they are in the pot growing indoors and mound around the stalk when transplanted outside. Would you recommend putting soil around the bare stalk once the plant is growing tall for MJ as well?
let's just say I wouldn't discourage it. I couldn't be bothered myself (haven't grown outside for over 35 years BTW) maybe I'd use manure or compost. I know they will root out into a top dressing.
What I highly recomend outdoor growers do is looseen up the sub soil in their grow holes with a spading fork before back filling.


Well-Known Member
I still use a 50/50 mix of FFOF and Happy Frog. Though I find FF soils to contain more and more wood chips these days. I've been thinking of tryin ProMix, FF has just done me so well, for so long.


Well-Known Member
Get the idea of best out of your head and start learning differences. Make educated decisions or you'll always just be relying on experience that likely has nothing to do with your situation.

For instance, since neither FF or promix is best, what makes them different? Do you need something with organics in the soil, or would you rather rely on soluble nutes added in watering? Would adding stuff to improve consistency be an issue, if so maybe one has a better consistency for your situation. Do you know your water PH, and how hot you want the soil? etc...

In short, what works best for me likely won't work best for you. Unless you know the differences and how those fit into YOUR plans, it's unlikely you would be using the 'best' for you :)


Active Member
You should totally look into subcools supersoil recipe. You use straight water from start to finish and end up with highly medicinal buds. Subcool saids they arent even green haf the time. No more ppm and ph meters and its 100 percent organic. It sounds almost too good to be true but its not!!! Google it or you can even find the info under the organics forum. Supersoil takes a majority of the science out of growing and all that guess work. Its sooo fullproof check it out and i garentee youll be interested!!! BTW subcool has been working on this soil recipe for over 20 years! Have fun! ONE LOVE!!!!