Best song to listin to high


Well-Known Member
Well I always liked a deep base trip-hop sound like Massive Attack & Portishead. Though I also like the whole Madchester thing with the Stone Roses & Happy Mondays. Love Radiohead too. And New Order. I could never narrow down to 1 song.


Well-Known Member
The best song is easily " I love you my hope" by Hird (ft. Yukimi Nagano).
It makes time stand still and brings the best images to mind


Well-Known Member
Just about all music is good when your high except Dream Theater(who I love when I'm sober), Blink 182, and Eminem.

Most if not all music I dislike when HIGH, I enjoy when DRUNK. and I always hate MSI and music about ex drug addicts(shit like cold or stained).


Well-Known Member

Yes Fragile(Band Album)

We Have Heaven which then goes into South Side of the Sky

That shite is bad ass fecking stoner music. So much fecking going on.

What the feck am I saying, the whole album is bad ass fecking stuff.