Best 'stand alone' bloom boosters

pot prices have gone down drasticly, in mi and chicago il. i used to get 400 an oz, now market is flooded w/ dro, lucky to get 275 for grade a shit..i also have friends who been growing for 20+ years that have shut down because the profit no longer covered their grows legally...illegal growers i guess are doing well? but i barely skate by w/ 10 patients and leftovers i sell illegally, but its hard as the law wants the weight of everything, stems, leaves, etc..and yearly inspections of my grow make it near impossible to profit any other way
Not a pit, he's Cana Corso..
beautifull dog, looks almost identicle to my pit. my pit weighs around 110lbs, very big for a pit.. he was bred for size and pulls almost 1200 lbs now but he should be up to 2,000 after all him from blue dragon alaska pits,,very expensive..
i like the combat cut ears,,it looks pit havent got ear cropps but they are the biggest lap dogs..i dont know how people can think they are so ferotious,,,they are big babies and love everyone,,,they bark at strangers, but i think someone could litterally break in and get licked to death...on the other hand i have a french mastiff ,,the hooch dog, buffy and she is the best watchdod, she growls if people look in her eyes,,she says like dont eyeball me ill kill she is my gilrl, i had to put up guard dog signs not because of my pitbulls but because my french mastiff is a true watchdog w/ no training she is a natural...pitbulls are lovers, i know the cane corsos got a bad rap some years ago,,,but then the pittbulls have a witch hunt on them, banned in states,,i would think ur cane, would be banned just for looking llike a pit huh?