Best storage method of bud

So I've just harvested my two plants and everything looks (and tastes) fantastic:bigjoint: Now I am looking for the best ways to store the large amounts of marijuana I won't be using right away. Currently, I have them stored in glass mason jars (used for canning jams and jellies) in a bedside table.

I've also heard about freezing bud to keep it fresher for longer. Has anyone ever tried this method and what do you think about it? I'm also up to hear different methods and what you all think about each one. You've probably got more experience with this stuff than I do because this was my 1st time growing. Thanks for the input! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Once cured keep in a dark cool place in jars. Remember if your weed in properly cured you can lose it all to mold.'
AS for freezing, I would not advice this method. When your trichs freeze they can be knocked off eaisly or freezer burn.


Well-Known Member
Stick to what you're doing and make sure to release some air from the jars a couple of times per month. I've been smoking on my harvest since February and I still have fresh bud.