Have you tried eating it???? Take your trimings and get a 5 quart pot and a wooden spoon. If you use Buds/Flowers; 1 oz to 2 Lbs of salted butter( would make what is called a 10x Maximum Strength) and 4 cups of filtered water,mix your trimings ,and bring to a med boil. Add your butter and lower your temp to a simmer. Simmer it for about 8 hours. remove from heat and cover, let it stand for about 45 mins. Put some cheesecloth into a colander and set over a catch pot, start spooning your mixture in your colander. once all has been poured thru cheesecloth, put some gloves on and squeeze the hell out of it. Cover and let it sit over night in ice box. It will separate from the water. scoop all the butter out and there ya go! If you do the 10x time strength, and it calls for a cup of butter use 1/2 cup of the cannabis butter and 1/2 cup of non medical butter. Try some Chocolate peanut butter balls or carmels, small amounts at first. Eating cannabis gives ya a total diffrent high, it is a body high and last quite long. Great for Chronic Pain, Gastrointestinal Disorders and the list goes on and on. There are 3 varieties, indica,Sativa, and hiybrids, Aan indica-dominant strain commonly helps with deeper body effects and helps with many physical affictions. Sativa-dominant strains produce more of a cerebral, uplifting, calming effect. I know it sure helps my father and mother. Mom has Crohn's Disease. With the help of eating Cannabis her quality of life has improved so much. Hope I helped. Try looking up Cooking with Cannabis on amazon. Theres a book called : The Emperor Wears no Clothes, and Marijuana Cooking, Good medicine made easy. Great Books! have a Great Week!