Seriously FUCK pills!! I ONLY do E in powder form. Molly is the absolute SHIT/BOMB/THE SHIT! LOL. If snorted the high comes on in about 5 minutes and than BAM ur Rolling like never b4. If mixed in to a small amount of liquid it takes about a half hour to hit, but when it does hit its like a bomb shell of energy just went off inside of your inner being (if i sound like a hippie forgive me, its just the only way i can explain this substance properly). Its the BEST feeling you will ever experience (Yes if its pure enough its better than sex, though fucking does come very close if its the right situation
Its like a 4 hour orgasm IMO. And only Molly can make you feel that good. No tabs of thizz can achieve that no matter what ur dealer says. I try to stay away/take a month break between dosing on molly as i could see my self becoming an E-tard very fast if i didnt tell my self to stop and slow down. Be carfull if u find a reliable hook on this stuff as its IMO the best fucking drug i have ever done by far, Way better than the best Coke iv fucked with (Straight Fish Scale btw) Better than any weed better than any Opiates ( Iv fucked with every thing from vicoden to Fentanly) better than the best booze iv tryed (2 hundred dollar a bottle single malt). Nothing compaires PERIOD. IF there were a Heaven and you were sent to it, thats what Molly would feel like.