best thing ever: mescaline?


Well-Known Member
Hey Now!! I thought you were getting only 2 Bridges!! How did you pull of getting four for free? Fuckin 'A' bother! Good Score!


Well-Known Member
Lucky. Last, and only, time I had mescaline it was amazing. I watched Days of Thunder, the digitally enhanced version. My buddy kept going on about the crazy colors they used for the sky in it, but when I watched it I kept seeing these boxes of color slide across or down the screen, red, blue, you name it I saw it. I kept asking him if that was what he was talking about but I don't think he was seeing it. HAHA! Then we watched Shrek and my brain melted. Digital cartoons look insane on that stuff.


New Member
All the stories of epic mescalito trips cant wait!

Yeah i bought 2 they came monday.

Just today when i got home from work a package! 4 more bridgesii!!

So i checked my checking account to make sure i didnt get charged for them. Nope i didnt! Bam 4 free cactuss!!


Well-Known Member
All the stories of epic mescalito trips cant wait!

Yeah i bought 2 they came monday.

Just today when i got home from work a package! 4 more bridgesii!!

So i checked my checking account to make sure i didnt get charged for them. Nope i didnt! Bam 4 free cactuss!!
Lucky man. Enjoy with care, my friend.