best time of the day to clip plant?


Well-Known Member
im trimming off some of the lower leaves consdering they aren't getting much sunlight. they are still green and only showing the very smallest tint of yellow on a few leaves, but i wanted to go ahead and take care of them since I just watered it. Its outdoor and in the ground, and it will be dark outside in less than 2 hours.

when is the best time to trim? at night or in the mornin?


Well-Known Member
sorry for bumping this topic again, but time is running out and i need to know! i tried searching topics but, nothing.. :-(

DR growgood

Well-Known Member
i dont realy think it maters when u trim it but when i harvast it ur going to want to do it 1 hour before the light comes on or in ur case before the sun comes up becuse when the sun goes down all the nutes and stuff go down to the root ball so by harvasting it 1 hour before light u wont be getting all that unwanted stuff in ur plant.


Well-Known Member
uh... when its dark it has the most resin production, so im going to clip it before the sun comes all the way up, correct. but, im pretty sure there is a certain time you should clip your bottom leaves off. ive been flowering for a couple weeks, no buds just lotsa hairs, im just getting rid of some lower foilage.. or should i just leave alone?

DR growgood

Well-Known Member
well if u grow out side i would probly leave it the sun is very powerfull most people me included cut the lower shit but thats becuse we grow indoors and the light's arnt very strong they only penatrate about 1 foot into the plant so growing a 5-6 foot plant is realy a waste indoor's were ur out door's i would leave it and then next season try cuting it and compare thats my advice