Best time of the day to smoke?


Active Member
We all have a favorite time to smoke. Usually its after something, school, work, or maybe before something like a movie or bedtime.
For me its a no brainer. Being that I'm an amateur bodybuilder I would say that in my life their is no better time to smoke then right after getting home from they gym right after a serious workout. It makes me feel like I earned it. Plus putting 5000 calories of food into me everyday isn't easy by a longshot. A few tokes and I'm chowin on some clean calories.
Whats your favorite time to smoke and why?
I like wakenbakes but i would say at night time also. Especially if its some purple. If i smoke purple in the morning i dont want to do shit all day...just keep on getting stoned.
I smoke all day. Usually on midgrade tho. And by all day i mean every couple hours. Best time tho, when im at work. I do roofing, my boss is a stoner, we bake out on the roof, and then go to installing whatever roof system we happen to do doing.
a woke and toke/wake and bake gets me lazy if im jus chillin at the house all day, ive realized smoking before events makes the events not as great, less-memorable,,im not as social im jus stoned, depends on what type of weed also. regs and mids makes me feel lazy sometimes. High-grade is a more clean high to me. my favorite time to smoke is at night, chill and watch a funny movie or somethin. i usually make sure i eat before my night smoke session so afterwards im not so eager to eat everything in the kitchen..sometimes i do anywayz tho :)
Whenever Im with friends, especially when near a game system! Playing Halo 3 stoned with 4 people on a bigscreen is fun as fuck!

Or if Im alone, around noon. But Im a social smoker/drinker
I smoke all day. Usually on midgrade tho. And by all day i mean every couple hours. Best time tho, when im at work. I do roofing, my boss is a stoner, we bake out on the roof, and then go to installing whatever roof system we happen to do doing.
hahaha made me lol pready hard :D