Best time to put clones outdoors full time?


Active Member
Today is May 8 2020. New to outdoor growing and I’m still confused on when I should put my clones outdoors full time? I put them outside the last couple of weeks for a bit to long (would bring them indoor around 7:30-8:00 pm and put them under a light for and extra hour) but they started to flower on me. So I’m currently try to get them to reveg. But I don’t know when I should leave them out door full time. Will attach pic.


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I'd probably just harden them off for the next few days and get them out there right after that.
They'll reveg eventually.

Though, I'm not sure if it would be best to keep supplementing with artificial light to help start reveg sooner.
Or just put them out there and let them acclimate to the current light conditions.

I'm curious what someone with more knowledge suggests.
Your plants will probably bloom for another 2 weeks, then you will probably deal with the joy's of reveg. I suggest you read as much as you can on growing outdoors.
Yea I kinda thought they would bloom for a bit longer I’m new to growing. So when I saw the white pistols forming thought I was fucked until i learned about reveg. I all ready harden the plants off, I’m a little confused on what to feed them? I’m using fox farm trio nuts. Should I feel them nuts for vegging or nuts for flowering (since they are flowering at this point)? Any input would helpbongsmilie:weed:
I normally put mine in a week after Mother's day. This year I most likely will wait until around the 23rd. It's been unseasonably cool here. Currently the hours of daylight is about 14.5, in a couple weeks we will be at 15. Nice looking clones by the way, healthy looking. Depending where your located you could put them in now and they would be fine, they will reveg naturally. Where a lot people screw up is taking plants from inside that have been under lights for 16 hours a day and throwing them outside in 14 hours of light. You should slowly start to cut back the artificial lighting before before putting outside. If you use liquid nutes, Fox Farm is good stuff but expensive.
Quick update going to put the clones outdoors in a week or so just waiting for the weather to get better. Going to transplant those girls into 25 gallon smart pots and let Mother Nature take care of the rest. I did what i could with a cheap amazon light, a fan, and my closet:cool:. Might try on luck with indoor growing:weed:.315AE470-DDF6-455B-8E7F-8195B357D7E2.jpeg