Best time to reset timers


Well-Known Member
Daylight saving time has started after clocks were turned ahead an hour early Sunday morning.

with light on or off to reset timers or don't matter..?

Daylight saving time has started after clocks were turned ahead an hour early Sunday morning.

with light on or off to reset timers or don't matter..?


The best, least stressful way is to lengthen/shorten the day cycle by an hour. Cannabis measures the length of uninterrupted darkness to determine when to bloom.
Maybe he has something called a job, and wants to check on things before he leaves. If the lights dont pop on until an hour after he leaves for work, he cant check them....
this morning I just advanced the timer forward by an hour so it turns on when I get up at 5 AM.....I can't adjust my life/work schedule, so the plants have to deal with it