Best time to water?


Active Member
This is why I would say morning........ The night time they are anticipating light and soon as there is light they start photosynthesis. So this is logical im glad someone else confirmed the same thoughts. Again thank you...


This is why I would say morning........ The night time they are anticipating light and soon as there is light they start photosynthesis. So this is logical im glad someone else confirmed the same thoughts. Again thank you...
+1 Rep -------:clap:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
The reason i lol'ed is that noone has offered any explanation as to which would be "best" as you have required, and furthermore noone at all has agreed on your thoguht patterns.

My point is that maybe you should find more feedback and thoughts other than a coupkle of guys saying "i do this" without any further explanation. I see all too amny growers acecpt the first response as the correct answer and walk around with false info being assumed as correct.

I mean my thinking is that it doesn't matter two shits when you water, as the plant always has water. The only way i can see the time of water as being of importance is if you've ocked up and left it dry completely out, but as it is, when i was in soila nd coco, it was ALWAYS damp, so i never really saw how watering at certain times would be beneficial.

I've noticed that cannabis is easy as FUCK to grow and you can normally do exactly as you want and it'll grow just fine :) Whenever you water they'll do just fine.


Active Member
I asked the same question the other day. A friend of min runs an ebb and flow system with coco medium. He waters twice with lights on and once when the lights go out. I have a drip system and water right at lights on. The way I understand it root growth occurs with lights out...


Active Member
ok i water first thing in the morning so the plant can make use of the feed during the photosynthisis
also if you water at night when temps are cooler it canraise humidity that can cause mould and other problems