Best tool to check Trichomes?


New Member
Hey guys.

Just a pondering about what other people use to check trichomes. I'd love to get a full macro lens but don't have the funds right now. Used the scopes, loops, etc. Lately I've used my cell phone with macro attached lens, main drawback is that I can't set white balance. Curious if anyone else out there has some great methods?


New Member
Lots of people use the radio shack kind. The local grow store has a lot of models to choose from. But i prefer to use methods that allow me to take pictures. Haven't used any of these cheap scopes yet that can compare to my phone + macro lens on a 28" screen.

Get a little ways into the nutso category, but I am a photographer as well so it's something I like.


New Member
Been asked a million times and this is all you need.
Eh... I've used those, and others which are better. They really aren't that great. Do they work? yeah. But I'm more interested in ways to do it better.

Currently attaching a scope similar to that, or a macro lens adapter to a cell phone is the best method I've found.

Has far more magnification.
Can be documented.
And allows much more detail to be explored.

It's a bit like having a digital portable microscope. Just not as powerful.

Main drawbacks are lens quality, lighting, white balance.

Another issue is the depth of field... Can't control aperture. Ideal solution would be a macro lens on DSLR, or even a P&S with good macro mode or macro attachment as the P&S has far more depth of field due to the smaller sensor.

Was hoping to find others that are interested in exploring these kind of techniques... Rather than just a powerful blurry magnifier. Which does work, but not as well as it could.


Go to radio shack and get a 60-100x, preferably with an led on the end, and you'll really see those trichomes.
This is what I use. I keep it on 60x zoom and then its easy just using one knob to focus. Takes a little getting use to. The downside is that you need to sorta smush the bud to get the lens near enough to check out the trichomes.

I still use this technique, but I never harvest until 75+ percent of the pistils have receded into the calyx and the seed bract has swelled with resin no matter what the trichomes are telling me.


New Member
_MG_3855.jpg Here is a shot today using a 70-300 lens and a 17-70 lens turned around, held together. Getting closer to what I am after... Basically a Macro setup so I can really see what is going on. Extreme for sure, but fun :)


Well-Known Member

I just happened to have a $3 laser pointer laying around that I bought for my cats, so I decided to give this a try with my phone. Turns out my phone has a magnet on the back so I didn't even need to tape the clip or anything. Using a small flashlight, I was able to take some really fricken cool pictures. Worked much, much better than I thought it would.