Best vape tank for flower and wax?

By all means, if you can do without, please do. Nicotine is a toxin.

Oh, I still use tobacco, but I roll my own king size. Take a puff or two, put it down and it goes out. Half an hour later light it up, another couple of puffs, repeat until finished. 30g of tobacco lasts me at least a week and I'm smoking less and less every week and vaping more. Let's just say it's a HUGE difference compared to how much I smoked a year ago and, in time, I'll be off it altogether apart from the occasional splifferette.

Even tried vaping tobacco in the G-Pen, but that didn't work, think the stuff was too dry, the idea was to get away from combustion and all the nasty shit that goes along with that but, again, it was like sandpaper on the back of my throat so not a success. Was worth a try though.
Yeah I've had two pens and they are really a sad entry point into vaping, and the reason many people fall back on the stinkies. I was like down to two smokes a day with the one before the previous one, and then it got infuriating.

But, truth be told as long as you still keep smoking the 2, you still self identify as a smoker.
It is realy easy to just let it go and think of all you are gaining when you stop smoking than the little you lose. hardly anything. I don't even miss a smoke over a cup of coffee. And I was about as bad a smoker as they made em.
Depends on the "pen", don't it. Those cheap and cheerful EVOD "starter kits" are crap, but once you move up the range a bit you can get better ones where you control the amount of air mixing with your juice and that's enough for me, no farting about with setting watts and everything and you end up with something more convenient to carry around in your pocket. Plus you don't get the association of being one of these bellends who thinks it's great to turn it up full and turn everything 2 foot around them into fog because they think it's funny that these housebrick modkits can do that.

But, truth be told, I'm a smoker, I self-identify as a lesbian. There is a difference.

And it's good for you you found it so easy to give up nicotine, I can't and, by christ, I've tried. I found it easier to give up marching powder, did that overnight but know I can never go near that stuff again or I just want more as you never lose or cure an addiction but only control it. But nicotine? That's a bastard, I can't shake it which is why I moved to vaping weed and CBD so I could keep cutting back bit by bit, it's all psychological and I know I cannot just quit so have to back off slowly until I can get that level of control.

The good thing is I can't stand the taste of pre-made cigarettes any more, so only vape when out of the house as plod tends to ask too many questions when you have a "large" hand-rolled in your mouth, even when they can smell it's only tobacco, unless it's the occasional cigar because I love the taste. So the best I can really do is minimise use and keep cutting back bit by bit and it'll come in it's own time. And, of course, the famous acronym "DILLIGAF" definitely comes into play as, well, stressing meself over tobacco is not the way to get the addiction under control so, like with my other problems, not giving a shit helps, if I totally quit, then I do that. If I don't, then I don't. It's the hand I've been dealt, I have to play it, nothing can change that so why add unnecessary stress which is only likely to lead to failure?

It's all in the head, and if that lump of grey gunge between the ears was so simple to understand and use in the "right" way we'd be so simple we couldn't. Everyone's different, we're all wired differently, and with the amount of times I've had 240v up my arms there's definitely a few short circuits. What will be will be, just have to find the right road to follow and, well, I've always preferred the slower, scenic, route over the freeways all the arseholes drive on...
And it's good for you you found it so easy to give up nicotine
No it wasn't, I have been trying for years to quit.... I have been smoking almost twice as long in my life than I haven't. What was different this time was I quit, as opposed to telling myself I am in the process of quitting.
The one is an instant status where the other one is a long and winding path....
I have heard of some research indicating that roughly 500mg cbd a day can help kick number of different addictions for some people. Obviously dosage would vary. But it has to be a considerable amount. I think i remember it from a talk from Ethan Russo.

"This Indian weed now wither'd quite,
Tho' green at noon, cut down at night,
Shows thy decay;
All flesh is hay.
Thus think, and smoke tobacco.

The pipe so lily-like and weak,
Does thus thy mortal state bespeak.
Thou art ev'n such,
Gone with a touch.
Thus think, and smoke tobacco.

And when the smoke ascends on high,
Then thou behold'st the vanity
Of worldly stuff,
Gone with a puff.
Thus think, and smoke tobacco.

And when the pipe grows foul within,
Think on thy soul defil'd with sin;
For then the fire,
It does require.
Thus think, and smoke tobacco.

And seest the ashes cast away;
Then to thyself thou mayest say
That to the dust
Return thou must.
Thus think, and smoke tobacco.


Was this small plant for thee cut down?
So was the plant of great renown;
Which mercy sends
For nobler ends.
Thus think, and smoke tobacco.

Doth juice medicinal proceed
From such a naughty foreign weed?
Then what's the pow'r
Of Jesse's flow'r?
Thus think, and smoke tobacco.

The promise, like the pipe, inlays,
And by the mouth of faith conveys
What virtue flows
From Sharon's rose.
Thus think, and smoke tobacco.

In vain th' unlighted pipe you blow;
Your pains in inward means are so,
'Till heav'nly fire
Thy heart inspire.
Thus think, and smoke tobacco.

The smoke, like burning incense tow'rs
So should a praying heart of yours,
With ardent cries,
Surmount the skies.
Thus think, and smoke tobacco.

*Smoking Spiritualized
by Ralph Erskine