Best video game to play while baked

Fable was the shit back in the day, maybe like 2-3 years ago, that could be wrong, my sense of time is off :bigjoint:
yeah i heard the original was the shit but i never played it. they say the new one is cool so i might try it out. probably not as good as the original though.:lol:
haha its all about Diablo 2.

ive wasted probably the better part of a year in front of a computer playing that game since it came out.

I play the shit outta it. get bored with it. but its the only game i find myself coming back to after a few months of break.
left4dead sucked. fallout3 is good and i also want littlebig and fable2. i like your taste sir
thank you :bigjoint:, i try to see what games get good reviews cuz if they suck i just dont play them much. damn i didnt know left 4 dead sucks. what made it suck or was it overall just shit lol?:?: l
Fallout 3 looks like it's gonna dissapoint me.I'm a big fan of the first two.In fact I have them.
i want to get fable2, littlebigplanet, fallout 3, left4 dead and the new sonic for my wife.

Yeah, I'm more into rpgs.And the single player ones.Cuz I'm a hermit.
try crysis! not for the online gaming but for the sheer awesomeness. needs hefty requirements though. for online gaming on the pc i usually do the counter-strike source. addicting! but as far as console online is, i prefer socom con. its great!
Never used cheats, except to make all weapon skills above 100, I've already beaten the main quest several times so now I kinda just roam around looking for cool items when im bored :dunce:
Do you want the new sonic for ds?The dark brotherhood?It's here.Get a ds emulator, too.Read the rules before you post, these guys are forum nazis. Just hit home to sign up. Here's sonic chronicals, it says there aren't any servers up to download at the moment...keep trying.
thank you :bigjoint:, i try to see what games get good reviews cuz if they suck i just dont play them much. damn i didnt know left 4 dead sucks. what made it suck or was it overall just shit lol?:?: l