Best way of fast dry..


Well-Known Member
I haven't used a microwave in four years less a fraction of a month. Even if that wasn't the case, using a microwave to 'dry' weed is a ridiculous proposition.

I hate microwaves for everything, I even cook frozen TV dinners in a steamer.... in my books drying pot in a microwave is sacrilegious and downright immoral


Well-Known Member
I have done this and it is the best way by far for taste and stoned ness it 100% works well

So, after trying several ways to quick dry bud I came across one that in my opinion works the best. We have all tried the standard oven treatment, and of course your left with bud that has lost some of it's kick not to mention that it comes out tasting like crap. So if your looking to maintain potency when quick drying buds try this:
You will need:

One four sided microwave safe dish with lid (something like small casserole dish)

Paper towels

A Microwave

And of course your fresh bud

First you line the bottom of the pan with DRY paper towels. Then you put your bud on top of that. Now wet enough paper towels to form a double layer to lay across the top of your pan (make sure that the wet paper towel is not touching your bud), wring the paper towels out so that they are damp but not wet. Now cover the paper towels and pan with the lid, sealing three of the four sides (or some space for steam to escape). Microwave for one minute on 40% power, take the pan out of the microwave and uncover for 20-30 seconds. Repeat these steps 3-5 times or until your bud is dry enough to smoke. Re-wet top paper towels as needed.

I'm sure many of you have tried this but it was a new method for me, and the buds turn out soooo much better.

Iam serious it works very well and taste not to bad better then some weed I have brought I actual did sell some bud like this cause I was hard up and ppl told me it was good bud and asked for more lol
done this for a mate and it works ok


Well-Known Member
done this for a mate and it works ok
if u need to quick dry way i use to do it is unscrew my lamp or light shade make a tray i use to use bbq trays tie it into the lamp turn light on and give it 1 hour -1and a half i use to use low wattage lights but works likes a treat i have even done it that way and sold bags and people couldent tell the diff maybe my weed just is magik with flavors


Well-Known Member
Enlighten me on how your microwaved pot is tasting
Ok I will and if it taste like shit do I just smother it in bbq sauce.. ??lol . I said I would try it but if I needed weed badly enuff I would just hit up a friend or dispensery , untill my shit has cured ..
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Well-Known Member
This one is the best I've seen so far out of all these silly quick dry methods lol. Does this keep more taste/smell than the microwave or oven methods? Yes, I admit I've 'tarded out in the past and quick dried a bowl or two when I was getting started years ago. I just simply CANNOT do that to my nugs anymore. Maybe quick dry to bho? Or fork out the wallet to buy some cured smoke elsewhere. Learn some self-discipline and don't ruin your months of hard work!

Patience is a virtue. Great cliche for growing.


Well-Known Member
There is no short cut on this step mate. Just no substitution for a long and proper cure.

Just my opinion. I've been wrong many times but curing pot is an actual process that makes a real big difference in the end.



Well-Known Member
Let's say ur real hungry and don't have time to cook proper u get a microwave dinner it's shit but it fills u up
Damn, I am just glad I am not so addicted to bud that I would have to compare it to starving and needing to microwave a steak in order to survive....

But then again I have seen idiots do stuff like huff on gas cans, sniff paint, suck down freon and all kinds of really stupid shit to catch a buzz.
My life was never so depressing that I felt the need to sink to those kind of levels.