i meant are they praying for magnesium ?No shit. Just water brother.
i understand organics but when i hear of leaves pointing up first thing that comes to mind is a mag defNo not really. Everything is in the soil. I feed the soil not the the plant. The soil takes care of the plant. Get it?
they seem to like whats going on. no necrosis of any kind.i understand organics but when i hear of leaves pointing up first thing that comes to mind is a mag def
So you guys helping out bravedave or what? @howsitgrowin420 If you live in michigan stop by the michigan room. If you don't your a pussy.speaking of big pussy get in touch with nurse nancy shell probably throw around some sour pussy for ten bucks.
Just following a cookbook on my FG. Plants did show a bit of phosphorus overage but it was ignorable as it came when I was pulling back anyway. Now at the point of chop, all is well.
View attachment 3256909
I member!I really just still want to see those clones that you were saying were so much better than mine under my previous account. Remember, you posted those photos of some really weak roots and in the same post said you'd be flowering those a month later....been waiting for that follow up. Remember, you were telling me that your cloning method with clear cups dropped into dixie cups was far superior to and less expensive than my daisy cloner method and when I showed you better results you just stopped posting......mine went into flower two days ago. You were pretty adamant that your clones and method were waaaaaaaaaaay better than mine (I think it was something like "yours look a little weak, they'll take a month to catch up, but I'll be flowering by then." I've been so excited to see your comparison photo....I'll take it here or back in the original thread of "successful cloning") Oh, maybe that photo you posted is those clones.....no, I don't think there has been enough time for that yet......that was august 7th....
Sorry guys, I should have told you that I already disliked @bravedave because of our interactions under a different account. @mr sunshine was there, he probably remembers....
I really just still want to see those clones that you were saying were so much better than mine under my previous account. Remember, you posted those photos of some really weak roots and in the same post said you'd be flowering those a month later....been waiting for that follow up. Remember, you were telling me that your cloning method with clear cups dropped into dixie cups was far superior to and less expensive than my daisy cloner method and when I showed you better results you just stopped posting......mine went into flower two days ago. You were pretty adamant that your clones and method were waaaaaaaaaaay better than mine (I think it was something like "yours look a little weak, they'll take a month to catch up, but I'll be flowering by then." I've been so excited to see your comparison photo....I'll take it here or back in the original thread of "successful cloning") Oh, maybe that photo you posted is those clones.....no, I don't think there has been enough time for that yet......that was august 7th....
Sorry guys, I should have told you that I already disliked @bravedave because of our interactions under a different account. @mr sunshine was there, he probably remembers....
I really....
Figured you might need a bump as your fantastic post seems to just keep sliding off to oblivion. I just checked roots on the half of my clones that I cut a few days post-veg (when I needlessly, feared for the lives of those I first cut.) Man, do they look good. My first set of clones (10/12 success rate) I used just ProMix while this second set I used a mixture of K-Mart generic dirt mixed 2to1 with cow manure. (Total $: $6.89 and will save manure mixture for next 10 grows or so). This is at 12 days of cloning...10 for 10 on this batch. Who knew it was so easy...Now I can use that $70 I might have wasted on a Daisy cloner and buy that LUX thermostat I wanted and maybe set aside the rest to cover my next couple years of cloning.View attachment 3222670
btw...You too are on or about day 13, eh? A couple of those in your last picture are looking sorta sparse but yeah they are bound to catch up some day...I'll be flowering about then.Circle of Life, man.
Look at me! Look at me!
It is the responsibility of every American to be healthy. If I have to pay for the people who are unhealthy (cigarettes, mcdonalds, failing to obtain the education that will help them prevent illness, etc), then every person should be forced to be healthy. Take Stow for instance who popped out three kids who rely on the tax dollars of people who do not procreate so that they can get a free public education (tell me your write-offs with three kids don't land you with money back each year) and then he is going to advise them to stop there...one gets pregnant, the other drinks and drives and whammo, we're looking at hundreds of thousands of dollars in obamacare - something that only the healthy people end up paying for. Or, without college they'll end up blue collar and we all know that our tax dollars subsidize low wages in industry - you know, the people who make 30-40k but choose to have 3 or 4 kids and then need all kinds of social assistance (like tax breaks for dependents, free schools, etc.....aka social assistance.) so that they can still have the 'necessities' (cable, cell phone, newer vehicles that are safe for the children that they just had to have.)if this guy is anything like he is online, I'm gonna bet money he doesn't even show. He is that fat kid that everyone made fun of, so he stayed in his room watching reruns on t.v.land and playing video games,eating cheetos and drinking down the dew.
It is the responsibility of every American to be healthy. If I have to pay for the people who are unhealthy (cigarettes, mcdonalds, failing to obtain the education that will help them prevent illness, etc), then every person should be forced to be healthy. Take Stow for instance who popped out three kids who rely on the tax dollars of people who do not procreate so that they can get a free public education (tell me your write-offs with three kids don't land you with money back each year) and then he is going to advise them to stop there...one gets pregnant, the other drinks and drives and whammo, we're looking at hundreds of thousands of dollars in obamacare - something that only the healthy people end up paying for. Or, without college they'll end up blue collar and we all know that our tax dollars subsidize low wages in industry - you know, the people who make 30-40k but choose to have 3 or 4 kids and then need all kinds of social assistance (like tax breaks for dependents, free schools, etc.....aka social assistance.) so that they can still have the 'necessities' (cable, cell phone, newer vehicles that are safe for the children that they just had to have.)
Regular soda, junk food, and sedentary life are assaults to our personal freedom. ANY amount of fat on the body became unacceptable as soon as socialized health care came into play. Spot on though, I bet I would have been that age around the time the photo came out. Although, the bottle does look like diet dr. pepper for some reason and I am guessing that we have a late 90's photo with an old tv set.....when did your mom snap that pic, chuck?
It is the responsibility of every American to be healthy. If I have to pay for the people who are unhealthy (cigarettes, mcdonalds, failing to obtain the education that will help them prevent illness, etc), then every person should be forced to be healthy. Take Stow for instance who popped out three kids who rely on the tax dollars of people who do not procreate so that they can get a free public education (tell me your write-offs with three kids don't land you with money back each year) and then he is going to advise them to stop there...one gets pregnant, the other drinks and drives and whammo, we're looking at hundreds of thousands of dollars in obamacare - something that only the healthy people end up paying for. Or, without college they'll end up blue collar and we all know that our tax dollars subsidize low wages in industry - you know, the people who make 30-40k but choose to have 3 or 4 kids and then need all kinds of social assistance (like tax breaks for dependents, free schools, etc.....aka social assistance.) so that they can still have the 'necessities' (cable, cell phone, newer vehicles that are safe for the children that they just had to have.)
Regular soda, junk food, and sedentary life are assaults to our personal freedom. ANY amount of fat on the body became unacceptable as soon as socialized health care came into play. Spot on though, I bet I would have been that age around the time the photo came out. Although, the bottle does look like diet dr. pepper for some reason and I am guessing that we have a late 90's photo with an old tv set.....when did your mom snap that pic, chuck?
You're not paying shit. Remember, you decided to leave your "career" behind and sell weed. How much do you send Uncle Sam each year from your drug sales?
I didn't procreate.