Best Way To Avoid Bud Rot


Well-Known Member
3 Tbs baking soda
2 Tbs vegetable oil
3 gallons (plus) warm water
In a medium sized kitchen bowl, combine 3 tablespoons of baking soda with 2 cups of warm water. Add the oil and whisk together. Pour the mixture into 3 gallons of warm water. Transfer to spray bottles and use immediately, spraying the undersides as well as the tops of leaves. If any is left over, store in the fridge and warm in sun before using.

I've heard, via the internet, that a mixture of water and milk, in a spray can, helps boost the immune system to help battle mold.

I haven't tried this yet. Givin it a try this season when it starts to get humid and wet again.


Well-Known Member
I had some mold issues this year also

I ordered some green cure and been treating them with it and it has pretty much stopped the mold in it tracks ,

I also opened up my colas to help air flow , so their not the prettiest colas but at least its helped with stopping the mold