Best way to deal with a theif.

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Well-Known Member
damn i didnt no you had a son, that changes everything im young with no responsiblities i woldnt do anything to endanger my son..............wait did he walk into the crib your son lives in?

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
send a super gay escort over to his house looking for him when his grandmother is there and he isn't. Then start sending gay lover letters and poorly wrapped sex toys to the house :)


Well-Known Member
Yep, walked right through the front door (I'm assuming he jimmied the door.) But I don't think he'd fuck with my kid. After how vindictive I was over an xbox I think he's understand that I would rip his eyes out and force feed them to him over my son.


Well-Known Member
First off louis you need to chill,when i was a young man i was much like you & i would have beat him down asap,then beat his wifes ass too just because,he surely deserves an ass whopping ,unfortunately shit isnt about being fair or what he deserves.

Dig this,ive been in prison twice in my life,once for manufacturing a controled substance with the intent to distribute,the other was a situation much like yours.

I was robbed at gun point,the mother fucker put a pistol to my head & made me give it up,i gave him everything i had which was several thousand dollars plus a very nice watch my mother gave me & my wedding ring :sad:,he laughed at me while him & his partner (both with guns) took my shit,then to make matters worse even after i gave up what i had he hit me in the face with the butt of the gun before he left,i swore i'd kill that mother fucker if i ever saw him again.

I got my chance about a year later,i had been clearing brush from some vacant land i own & needed more 2 cycle oil for my chain saw so i went to the nearest auto parts store,as i was getting ready to walk into the store i looked through the picture window & there that fucker was,standing in line getting ready to pay,i went to my truck to get my pistol which was under the seat & i was gonna drop his ass then i thought i better not,fuk a murder rap,instead i got out a tree linb from the truck & waited along side the building.

As soon as he came around the building i tore into his ass,first clubbing he got was a full force swing straight to the chest,that dropped him liker a stone,he went into the standard please sir shit & was screaming for somebody to please help him,i told him shit was funny when he jacked me wasnt it,thenm went straight into clubbing his ass some more,i beat him until he was an unconscience bloddy mess,unfortunately i didnt get away with it,somebody gave the cops my plate.

I was charged with 2 charges,the main charge was attempted murder, which in michigan carries 15 years to life,in court the prosecutor read off all the injuries that fuker had,broken ribs,impacted spine,bruised heart,cracked sternum,damaged eyeball,torn scalp & multiple fracturers,on the stand he played the innocent victim,oh woe is me,he denied ever seeing me let alone robbing me,the jury did not believe his sob story as when it was my turn on the stand i let everybody know why i had done what i did,none the less i was guilty & the jury had to convict me of something.

I beat the attempted murder but i didnt beat the 2nd charge which was felonious assult with the intent to do great bodily harm less than murder,that charge carries 6.5 to 15 years,that was my sentance,6 & one half years plus close to $30,000 in hospital bills,i ended up spending 3 years behind the walls of jackson prison on that one, then another 10 years on paper.

My 1st wife had divorced me 9 years earlier while i was inside serving 3 to 5 years on a manufacturing charge,now im back inside again,only this time with a new wife & a very young child on the outside who were scared as hell & all alone,i heard my son's first words through the security glass in the visiting booth :sad:

The problem with situations like your in right now is that not everybody fights anymore,nor do they take lumps like men,the mother fukers have the balls to steal but dont have the balls to take the severe beatings they deserve,either they call the cops & play the victim like the armed robber i dealt with did, or they come back with guns.

I will be 52 years old come september,i dont regret much i have done in life with one exception,i heard my son call me daddy for the first time through the security glass in a visiting room,when i got out he was walking & talking, he was afraid of me because of the way i look with all the tattoos,bald head & long beard,he cried when i'd hold him or come in his room at night to kiss him good night,it took him months to warm up to me,my son passed away 15 years after i was released from prison, i still regret missing those years of his life,years i'll never get back,when my wife & i speak of him she cant speak of those years she had with him because she knows i wasnt there & she knows how it made me feel,all that grief over one punk mother fuker who couldnt take the lumps he earned by robbing me at gun point.

Dont do it louis,let it ride & enjoy what you have,let some other angry vengfull person take care of him,ass fucks like him allways fuk people over & it wont be long before somebody off's his ass.


dude... he broke into your house and stole some electronics... not your plants... i would dismantle the grow, and then call the cops... let them know that you know who did it; press charges... then whoop his ass


Well-Known Member
Way ahead of you gogrow. I locked the bedroom door and put all the bongs in there. the police ain't gonna do shit though. I told them his full name, what his car looks like, what he looks like, and pointed to him because he was dumb enough to drive by while the police were there. They told me that they were not legally allowed to go after him on a civilians allegation.


Well-Known Member
damn thats one hell of a story and if it makes it a difference its really making me reevaluate some of the choices ive made that in hindsight really wernt worth the risk of fucking my future up


Well-Known Member
First off louis you need to chill,when i was a young man i was much like you & i would have beat him down asap,then beat his wifes ass too just because,he surely deserves an ass whopping ,unfortunately shit isnt about being fair or what he deserves.

Dig this,ive been in prison twice in my life,once for manufacturing a controled substance with the intent to distribute,the other was a situation much like yours.

I was robbed at gun point,the mother fucker put a pistol to my head & made me give it up,i gave him everything i had which was several thousand dollars plus a very nice watch my mother gave me & my wedding ring :sad:,he laughed at me while him & his partner (both with guns) took my shit,then to make matters worse even after i gave up what i had he hit me in the face with the butt of the gun before he left,i swore i'd kill that mother fucker if i ever saw him again.

I got my chance about a year later,i had been clearing brush from some vacant land i own & needed more 2 cycle oil for my chain saw so i went to the nearest auto parts store,as i was getting ready to walk into the store i looked through the picture window & there that fucker was,standing in line getting ready to pay,i went to my truck to get my pistol which was under the seat & i was gonna drop his ass then i thought i better not,fuk a murder rap,instead i got out a tree linb from the truck & waited along side the building.

As soon as he came around the building i tore into his ass,first clubbing he got was a full force swing straight to the chest,that dropped him liker a stone,he went into the standard please sir shit & was screaming for somebody to please help him,i told him shit was funny when he jacked me wasnt it,thenm went straight into clubbing his ass some more,i beat him until he was an unconscience bloddy mess,unfortunately i didnt get away with it,somebody gave the cops my plate.

I was charged with 2 charges,the main charge was attempted murder, which in michigan carries 15 years to life,in court the prosecutor read off all the injuries that fuker had,broken ribs,impacted spine,bruised heart,cracked sternum,damaged eyeball,torn scalp & multiple fracturers,on the stand he played the innocent victim,oh woe is me,he denied ever seeing me let alone robbing me,the jury did not believe his sob story as when it was my turn on the stand i let everybody know why i had done what i did,none the less i was guilty & the jury had to convict me of something.

I beat the attempted murder but i didnt beat the 2nd charge which was felonious assult with the intent to do great bodily harm less than murder,that charge carries 6.5 to 15 years,that was my sentance,6 & one half years plus close to $30,000 in hospital bills,i ended up spending 3 years behind the walls of jackson prison on that one, then another 10 years on paper.

My 1st wife had divorced me 9 years earlier while i was inside serving 3 to 5 years on a manufacturing charge,now im back inside again,only this time with a new wife & a very young child on the outside who were scared as hell & all alone,i heard my son's first words through the security glass in the visiting booth :sad:

The problem with situations like your in right now is that not everybody fights anymore,nor do they take lumps like men,the mother fukers have the balls to steal but dont have the balls to take the severe beatings they deserve,either they call the cops & play the victim like the armed robber i dealt with did, or they come back with guns.

I will be 52 years old come september,i dont regret much i have done in life with one exception,i heard my son call me daddy for the first time through the security glass in a visiting room,when i got out he was walking & talking, he was afraid of me because of the way i look with all the tattoos,bald head & long beard,he cried when i'd hold him or come in his room at night to kiss him good night,it took him months to warm up to me,my son passed away 15 years after i was released from prison, i still regret missing those years of his life,years i'll never get back,when my wife & i speak of him she cant speak of those years she had with him because she knows i wasnt there & she knows how it made me feel,all that grief over one punk mother fuker who couldnt take the lumps he earned by robbing me at gun point.

Dont do it louis,let it ride & enjoy what you have,let some other angry vengfull person take care of him,ass fucks like him allways fuk people over & it wont be long before somebody off's his ass.
Damn dude that sucks really bad, hopefully the guy you beat up was the right guy though


Way ahead of you gogrow. I locked the bedroom door and put all the bongs in there. the police ain't gonna do shit though. I told them his full name, what his car looks like, what he looks like, and pointed to him because he was dumb enough to drive by while the police were there. They told me that they were not legally allowed to go after him on a civilians allegation.

well at least you tried to go about it the "right way"... now its up to you... just dont make any stupid decisions;-)


Well-Known Member
Damn, must of missed that panhead. I gotta say though I like your writing style. I feel bad that that happened to you but you give these pieces of shit an inch and they take a mile. I've came to terms with the fact that it's probably already sold but I plan to get another one soon and I want to get the message across that if he does it again there will be a knife in his kidney.


Well-Known Member
Send in a "anonymous" tip to the police that he deals. You can get paid by crime stoppers, buy a new 360, and send that fucker to jail so he becomes jail bait.


Well-Known Member
Damn, must of missed that panhead. I gotta say though I like your writing style. I feel bad that that happened to you but you give these pieces of shit an inch and they take a mile. I've came to terms with the fact that it's probably already sold but I plan to get another one soon and I want to get the message across that if he does it again there will be a knife in his kidney.
I dont blame you,i used to think the exact same way,your right too about giving a thief an inch,the thing with me is that all my life ive ended up with the short end of the stick,ive had rough life for the most part & at every oportunity th legal system has either let me down or fucked me over.

Anymore im a passive old man who stays as far away from trouble & violence as i can,i know from personal experience that the minute i react to something violently my government is going to make an example out of me & let the guy who screwed me over walk free.

I think if i wanted vengance as bad as you do i'd do like what gogrow said,break down the grow & call the cops,then pay some big ass homosexual crackhead $500 to beat him with his fists then leave some shit on his dick.


Well-Known Member
sorry its off topic, but panhead, your story was something else, dont know what to say, it made me think.


Well-Known Member
Update: Myspace gangsters are halarious. This is the conversation so far. He signed out afterwords.

Dude, for real, just take the ass whoopin like a man. It's only gonna be worse if I gotta come find you. If you have any kind of balls you will say this shit to my face instead of online. Quit being that same scared bitch from high school.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Duvals President
To: Louis
Date: Feb 11, 2009 5:23 PM
Subject: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: No Subject

see u aint takin the hints i aint do it and you talkin all this shit is pointless

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: louis
Date: 11 Feb 2009, 10:15 PM

You got a phone? I'll go get your ass right now. I knew you was too much of a bitch to fight your own fights. Still are.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Duvals President
To: Louis
Date: Feb 11, 2009 5:12 PM
Subject: Re: RE: Re: No Subject

on some serious sjit for the last time idk wat ur talkin bout but when you come you better bring the navy or somethin cause nigga i stay wit a army. so on some real shit dont get hurt cause you think it was me i aint do shit. and that whole cryin thing nigga i will murk your ass this aint then this is now grown man satus big boys wit big boy toys

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: louis
Date: 11 Feb 2009, 10:05 PM

Just so you know it wasn't my game in it so you got two ass whoopins coming your way. You're gonna cry like a bitch just like you did in that car wreck.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Duvals President
To: Louis
Date: Feb 11, 2009 4:32 PM
Subject: Re: No Subject

first off i dont know at u talkin bout but if u think u hard cause u can blame somethin on somebody without kowin for sure then see me then cause believe methere aint no wanne be in me and you dont want to see me boy i got them hands best remember that and get your shit straight aint no body want that shit this is 09 i get mines and not wit some petty ass shit like that bitch get ya mind right and think if i wanted that shit i could off been had that shit but i aint want it. and i heard you snitchin you know wat happens to them round here

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: louis
Date: 11 Feb 2009, 01:32 AM

Since you ain't gota phone I'm going to tell you on here. From now on everytime I see your car I'm going to follow you and beat the shit out of you until I get my xbox back. Better hope I don't see you driving around in that rickety ass car of yours, you fucking wanna be gangster.


Well-Known Member
My fukin god louis,who the hell taught that guy english,my wife is from lebanon & spoke better english when she 1st came to the united states,that guy speaks the worst form of english ive ever seen typed in a thread.

Who dere,who dat,what dis,gots mines,i aint do it,i could not talk to anybody who was born in the united states who chooses to be that fuking ignorant,.he might think its cool talking like that but it makes him sound/look like low life scumb gutter trash.
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