Best Way to Dilute Your Urine?

I have an interview for a job on Monday (drug test will not be on same day), and I was wondering about some dilution methods. Maybe some that you have used, maybe some you just know of, anything really.

Let me give some background info real quick. So I've been smoking pretty much daily for over a year, 1-3 pipe bowls per day. I recently quit smoking on Aug. 28 when i found out about the job opportunity. I'm a fat guy 6' 270, but my current job requires me to be physically active (unloading delivery trucks), so 5 days a week I'm sweating my ass off and drinking a pretty decent amount of water (idk how much). But anyway I've upped my water intake since I quit smoking and I have been taking B-12s daily since then as well. And from research, it seems dilution is the best bet. I would sub but all my friends are fucking stoners too lol. My test (if I get the job) would probably be mid-late week this coming week. So that's pushing 4 weeks since I quit smoking. Do I have a shot at passing? And what's the best way to dilute? Would drinking Gatorade and water work? Just water?.....This is the first time I've been in this predicament, so I would really appreciate some advice!

Thanks guys!!
Drinking large amounts of anything confuses the machine. Then the result some back as "Indeterminate". This means indeterminate but employers generally regard it as an attempt to hide something.They think this because that is what the labs tell them. Buy about 4 big jars of pickled okra and get busy. Eat the okra and drink the juice. It will help flush the metabolites they are seeking to find.
Most "kits" are dilution oriented. They all have the same characterisitics - lots of water to dilute, B vitamin to get some color in, and creatine to add weight (specific gravity) to the sample which makes it not show as diluted.