Best way to dispose of plant?

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
I mostly use the garbage disposal on fan leaves and whatnot. It's weird though. Every time I do that, a water and sewer truck shows up down the street about two days later. The main stems & root balls go into the compost/soil pile.


Well-Known Member
Recycle and compost. I throw the stalks into compost piles. The water leaves go into my worm bin. The soil and roots go into totes and mixed with compost and castings and watered with seed sprout enzyme teas and compost teas. Over a few weeks the roots will break down. Then the recycled soil will full of microbial life and ready to use again. Then amend. Or rols method. Pull stalk. Topdress with castings and compost water with teas over a few weeks. Then replant into living soil. Never throw out soil. That's just a waste. Nothing gets thrown out in my garden. Even left over ran through trim gets composted. Sustainability !!!! Soil gets better and better each time its recycled...


Well-Known Member
I do almost the same as hyroot. The roots and soil go into a tub for re-amending, the trim gets run through the bubble bags then all of the left over plant material goes into the compost bin in the garden. I haven't purchased soil in over a year!


Well-Known Member
I just slice up all the leaves and crap to where it looks like shredded salad greens throw it in a pot on the stove with a few cups of milk and slow simmer it for 45 mins or so with a cover. Strain the crap out, Mix half and half with my favorite green teas or mix into food (like those knorr rice pouches) or dump in a couple pouches of hot chocolate and slam it.


Well-Known Member
Do you get a grassy taste ?

I like to use my scooping spoon from making bubble hash to stir my hot tea, I think it tastes yummy!


I compost everything but the bud and sugar trim. The rest is cooked in the compost, then mixed with the next batch of soil I make for the next grow.


Well-Known Member
The leaves are easy to get rid of. Just let them dry, and I would take them in my hands and crush them into very small pieces. Sprinkle over my lawn in the back yard in a place out of site.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
i throw everthing including nutrient containers and anything weed paraphanilia and hit the dump yard as soon i arive the workers rade the bags ass i leave!!! dont now why the thc is gone i blasted it out..ow well..