Well-Known Member
No dvd's ...Maybe nice T-shirtwanna buy dvd?
I don't believe they are being dick's ..Ever heard the saying"That's kinda the Pot calling the Kettle black?"...I think they are arguing that nuking mushie's is not an ideal drying method of choice....If you show me a study done using this method I would TRUST it more.What happens to the alkaloid's once you nuke it ?Does it cause a chem reaction creating new chem's? Degrade the quality of other Alk's? Make the mushrooms grow eyes and appendages?this sites full of dickheads who think i lie,
simple as that ...iv had someone telling me iv never picked mushys in uk .
people not believeing me on sack loads of mushys where i live
the microwave thing!!
the list goes on
im not angy in the slightlest
no one belives me and all in doing is give some hands on info
thell believe me when they get a knock on there door by my mate
gyspy lee , hell fucking shot em for a cigarette.
ill fuckin poison the dicks with nuked shrooms.
that's ok if they don't want hands on advice..i suppose i was the same at that age ......i believed everything i thought and nothing everyone else thought...
its true ...you cant tell a teenager anything ,, they know everthing..
peace and microwaves brother
peace and microwaves