best way to end a friendship?


Well-Known Member
So a friend of mine turns out has been stealing from his grandma for years...
it gets worse he was taking her credit card and slowly draining it....
when she caught on and said somthing he flipped out and yelled at her....
a couple wweks later he called saying his uncle tried to kill turned out his skinny punk ass threatened him then called the cops on him and got him arrested then lied to me and made up some bs story...
But its been about 2 months since and its continuning and i don't want him around me anymore i don't trust him...
He has always acted shady i cgalked it to adhd guess i know why now..iv had cigars and cigs come up missing a lot only when he's around and i know he steals them from his grandma and that's one of the things he was stealing her money for.

But i need to know how to ditch this fool
stop answering his calls or messages,

I tried that he just comes over iv been trying to be cool with him..
The problem with beating his ass is he will just be a bitch and call the police...
he actually had his jaw broke for running his mouth like 6 years back..
i honestly think the only reason nobody has beat him down is because of me.
He's had a couple people threaten him when i was with him but i always got in there face and shut them down before they could do anything.
then they just waited till i was gone like a minute after i left him they hollared at him calling a pussy n shit cuz he had to have me fight his battles.
i think once words gets around somone will beat his ass. quick
I tried that he just comes over iv been trying to be cool with him..
The problem with beating his ass is he will just be a bitch and call the police...
he actually had his jaw broke for running his mouth like 6 years back..
i honestly think the only reason nobody has beat him down is because of me.
He's had a couple people threaten him when i was with him but i always got in there face and shut them down before they could do anything.
then they just waited till i was gone like a minute after i left him they hollared at him calling a pussy n shit cuz he had to have me fight his battles.
i think once words gets around somone will beat his ass. quick
dont answer the door. beating him solves nothing and is certainly not worth a bad record on you
I tried that he just comes over iv been trying to be cool with him..
The problem with beating his ass is he will just be a bitch and call the police...
he actually had his jaw broke for running his mouth like 6 years back..
i honestly think the only reason nobody has beat him down is because of me.
He's had a couple people threaten him when i was with him but i always got in there face and shut them down before they could do anything.
then they just waited till i was gone like a minute after i left him they hollared at him calling a pussy n shit cuz he had to have me fight his battles.
i think once words gets around somone will beat his ass. quick
Be a dick to him?
I've had problems breaking up with girlfriends because they know I grow, and have a lot of shit on me. I feel like if i just stop being interested, and sort of act like dick, they'll break up with me instead. It's sad, but it has worked a few times.
And they tell me " I'm so sorry, this is not working out", and then I say "what, i didn't see this coming". End of relationship, and I'm not "the bad guy"
Depends on how old you are, I think you're about 18 right? When I was 18 I had a friend like that. I ended it by pounding my fist into his face, but I was 18 and young, dumb, full of cum as they say.

Now I'm a little older and slightly wiser. I just ended a long time friendship by simply cutting all ties with that person.
Be a dick to him?
I've had problems breaking up with girlfriends because they know I grow, and have a lot of shit on me. I feel like if i just stop being interested, and sort of act like dick, they'll break up with me instead. It's sad, but it has worked a few times.
And they tell me " I'm so sorry, this is not working out", and then I say "what, i didn't see this coming". End of relationship, and I'm not "the bad guy"
I've done that exact same thing. Felt a little shitty about it but I was worried about the same thing.
I had a friend/coworker
We smoked and did drugs together on occasion. Seemed cool at first, quickly just became a moocher. Next thing I know he trying to sleep on my couch and shit. Would just show up at my house at all hours trying to get high. Got to the point where basically this fiend just comes over for drugs, if I didn't have any or felt like sharing he would just leave. Never came over to chill and talk etc

I fired him. Hasnt been over here since. Also I been fucking this chick he's been trying to get forever. Haha

Probly doesn't help you any