Best way to Germinate seeds...Step by Step for best Germ rate?

Ive been doing the paper towel method then putting them in pre soaked ph treated rockwool...taproot facing down....this is where i hear different advice.....after doing these steps do i put under light immediately or keep them in dark until they fully sprout? Just wanna make sure i get things right because havent had the best luck with seeds.Thanks for the help:)


Well-Known Member
Under a CFL preferably. Run 24 hours if desired.That light should be on them from the second they emerge. And just stick the seeds in pH treated rockwool. Save yourself the BS of the paper towel method. Been growing since 1964 and did it for years. Until I stopped. But then I clone using tap water in a darkened glass and get roots 100% of the time if the cutting was a good one. Aerocloners hate me. They have a sorrier rate of success, a lot more money spent and a mechanical fricking work object.
Under a CFL preferably. Run 24 hours if desired.That light should be on them from the second they emerge. And just stick the seeds in pH treated rockwool. Save yourself the BS of the paper towel method. Been growing since 1964 and did it for years. Until I stopped. But then I clone using tap water in a darkened glass and get roots 100% of the time if the cutting was a good one. Aerocloners hate me. They have a sorrier rate of success, a lot more money spent and a mechanical fricking work object.
So no lights until they emerge? Thanks for the tips...much appreciated


Well-Known Member
OK I put the seeded rockwool cubes in my seedling box with a 23-watt CFL right over that puppy the second after I seed it. Light on 24 hours a day. I popped a White Widow Auto in one 2 September and it emerged 4 September. Blew my mind. I had to remove most of the seed hull from the top but she was OUT of that rockwool. Unreal. 2 days. DinaFem White Widow Auto freebie from Attitude!

Oh yeah I just dropped 6 Vertigo seeds in the same way yesterday for a 6 unit DWC. I'll update you on the germination rate. Paradise Seedss Vertigo.


Well-Known Member
I make a solution of superthrive (1 drop per gal ) and a little bit of clonex gel, mix it up and dunk a rapid rooter in it. Squeeze out excess water so its still damp buy not drippong wet and put a seed into it twice as deep as the width of the seed. Cover the top of the seed with a chunk of rapid rooter and put the rapid rooter in a tupperware container. Mist the inside of the tupperware including lid, seal it up, and toss it on top of a t5 light with a towel over it. Ive only lost 2 seeds out of 50 plus ive germed. 9 out of 10 times within 24hrs I have a taproot. Forgot to add I use tap water which is 7.0ph


Active Member
why not treat it like any other type of seed and kust plant it bro..
ur making it way to hard on urself.
i have never done the paper towel meathod but the tap root has lil hair on it and they get weaved in between the fiber of the towel so when u move the taproot to rockwhool u mess up the hairs and thats no good.

i juat plant in a solo dixie cup and in 2 days they almost always sprout.


Well-Known Member
hundreds of ways to do the same thing

but there is no best except whut works best for you

and no wrong way except one that dont work for you

all the ways i have tried include the heating pad

in water only
in paper towel
in cd case
in soil

plant at split
plant when seeds come off
plant wit no split (straight to soil)

i have tried a lot of things
hundreds of ways to do the same thing

but there is no best except whut works best for you

and no wrong way except one that dont work for you

all the ways i have tried include the heating pad

in water only
in paper towel
in cd case
in soil

plant at split
plant when seeds come off
plant wit no split (straight to soil)

i have tried a lot of things
Tried all of these too. Whatever works for you is the best way :D

Nowadays i just throw em in some soil and i get 99% success. there's always one every now and again thats just a dud. i always dig em out for a look. they've usually never sprouted. the odd time i've just been to impatient and killed a wee un.
I'm 18 for 18 with rapid rooters. Drop seed in rooter, put rooter under dome, cover with towel. Once seed sprouts, put under CFL or T5. Once tap root emerges, move rooter to new pot and giver.

thanks guys i was makin the mistake of throwin the light on before they came up...appreciate all the help:) Members that are so helpful like you are the reason why this site is so great!!