best way to grow...

i want to get some opinions on what everyone thinks is the coolest/most efficient/best quality/ favorite way to grow? i personally think a green house structure either glass or plastic,light dep capable, climate controlled with lots of space for each plant to i could just throw big girls in there. then right outside i would have the other half of my scrip on the long season then just develop my herbal with fresh seeds from all you buds out there.nice dreams... little indoor perpetual would be a must to. blaze two and get back to me.:leaf::leaf::bigjoint:


New Member
i grow indoors so i'll cast my opinion based on those methods. i think the most efficient way is with a vertical colliseum grow. the coolest in my opinion is under current systems.
yeah i have seen a few pictures from verticals where it was solid bud:mrgreen: .. the whole under current systems look like producers too... those would be clean in a glass house.