best way to take ambien?

I just read everybody's post. and you people are ridiculous, Take the ambien the way its saposed to be taken and it works just fine. That shit destroyes your liver.
i was tossing and turning last night. had the shooting pains up and down my whole body. i knew it was gonna be one of those nights. i got up and orally took 1 whole ambien cr. i laid down and started to read. 15 mins later i got a big head rush. i rolled over and fell asleep.
the best ambien are the little white 10mg ones.......i took 4 of em and i couldnt walk every time i got up i would just fall to the floor..but i would do it again
Ambien is no joke. It's not a drug to fuck with. Your best bet is to time it right. If you want to be in bed by 9 take it at 8 30. Then I would prolly just get into bed at around 10 of and believe me you will fall asleep fast. If you don't get to bed chances are you will wake up around 6 am on the couch. I personally didn't like ambien so my dr. now gives me seriquile. The thing with ambien is that I would have really crazy ass lucid vivid dreams. The dreams would be so real it would be like I was really awake while having them. So I didn't really feel refreshed in the morning. Also ambien will fuck with your thoughts and personality. I would rambel on about the most stupid shit before I fell asleep. Then regret shit I said. Seriquile's worst side effect for me is the bad morning breath it gives you. You wake up with a greasy load in your mouth. It's gross. You should maybe switch if you end up not like ambien. Just my thoughts anyways.
[SIZE=-1]Or another fun one is taking two tylenol PM’s and try to masturbate before you fall asleep… the good thing about it is you always win.
Hmmm... once took 3 ambiens and i still had trouble sleeping (with no noticeable "high"). Although I usually have a HUGE drug tollerance (i do not notice an effect after 5 vicodin es)

I guess everyone is different.
I am a chronic insomniac but Ambien never worked for me. I would stay awake through the period I was supposed to be sleeping, and it would be like a delirious waking dream, but not in a good way at all. Kinda like... tired, delirious, tripping, outside my body, racing, NONSENSICAL thoughts. It might sound cool but it really isn't. My mom took it and got manic- went on the internet and ordered $300 worth of Omaha Steaks- she had so much inner peace and ecstatic excitement about the joy she would bring to the family with steak. WTF!

The stuff makes you completely delirious. I've since tried zopiclone (Lunesta) and it works like a dream... ha ha.
no it wil make you trip but not really get you high
actually i took it and the ambien didnt even work nothing happened i dont get it
wow, getting high on sleep meds. interesting. dont take 6-12 like this dude said though. as someone in the medical field you can depress your respiratory system and if you have a heart condition, that you may not even know about, you can die. also you kind of lose your sense of reality so you may be tempted to do stupid things like drive. i say stick to painkillers and weed. they dont really mess with your breathing or heart in moderate doses. id say cut the pill in half but its a CR, controlled release so dont expect anything too crazy. by cutting the pill or crushing it the time release will be nullified so party on, in a sleepy way.
I find it very hard to believe that anyone even remotely involved in the medical community thinks that painkillers don’t depress breathing. Also just because a drug is natural does not mean it is better for you. Datura is natural but causes nightmarish trips that last three days and have been known to cause death psychosis and brain damage. Another examples is the opium poppy, very deadly and completely natural.
I find it very hard to believe that anyone even remotely involved in the medical community thinks that painkillers don’t depress breathing. Also just because a drug is natural does not mean it is better for you. Datura is natural but causes nightmarish trips that last three days and have been known to cause death psychosis and brain damage. Another examples is the opium poppy, very deadly and completely natural.

If the Kavanaugh shit taught us anything... "just boof it"
Ambien is the one drug that helps me sleep, though I'm pretty sure it's a placebo effect at this point. It doesn't get me messed up, but I do become very relaxed and have minor visual changes (posters on a wall move though not dramatically, the wall can "bend", again not dramatically). I prefer the 10mgs to the extended release, but both should help you sleep. Get you high? Nah. Just the things I mentioned (for me anyway).
Took some once but my ex said that I woke up in the middle of the night just to smoke weed and raid the fridge.. I was like typical night bongsmilie
Ambien literally fucked up my whole life. I was addicted to them for 4 years and went to treatment for them multiple times. I enjoyed the high so much I was prescribed 30 10mg tabs a month and the script would be gone in 2-3 days. I’d snort them and I no longer have a septum because it literally ate it away completely. I have 2 DWIs from them and a ton of other legal problems from sleep walking. Don’t take this shit. Trust me.